Chapter 11

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"Kells?" I heard an all too familiar voice call me as I arose from my slumber. I looked to see Vic sitting in a chair beside my bed.

"Vic, hey." I smiled, disoriented.

"Good to see you're alright.." He said, sounding off. I chuckled.

"I'm fine.. I'm not really sure what happened, but I'm absolutely fine now." I tried to assure him.

"Kellin.." He pried. I sighed.

"Look, it isn't your business anyway so why don't you step off, huh?" I said.

"Because I fucking love you!" He snapped, shutting me up.

I shook my head. "Right, yeah. You don't need to fucking lie to me, Vic,"

"Oh, so because I made a mistake means I'm lying and I don't love you? Well newsflash, I wouldn't be here if I didn't care about you. You're the one who won't talk to any of us so we can help you. I'm tired of it!" He said.

"So why don't you do what you do best, and leave??" I said. He looked hurt, but he didn't have the right to be.

"Um, right. Whatever. I'll pretend you didn't say that but only because I know you actually need me."

I scoffed, practically laughing at his words. "I don't need you." I said.

"Whatever, Kellin." He said before standing. "I'm going to get something to eat, do you want anything?"

I shook my head, looking down at my lap. He sighed and hesitated before he left. "Why.. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you're bulimic." He looked at me, his eyes sad.

"Because I'm not?" I said, confused as to why he'd ever ask such a question.

"That's not what the doctors told me, but that's none of my business." He said before walking to the door.

"Exactly. It's none of your fucking business." I told him and he ignored me, continuing to walk.

I couldn't believe him. He actually had the audacity to come back into my life, and fuck it up even more.

Within minutes, a doctor walked into my room, holding a clipboard. "Kellin, you're awake." He stated. I nodded in return. "Well," he continued. "We checked you out to see what was wrong. You're severely dehydrated and your electrolites are off balance, so we have you on some IV's to get you back into balance. Your throat is pretty lacerated.. How is your eating?"

"My eating is fine..." I said, almost irritated that they were figuring me out.

"Do you think you're fat?"

I shrugged. "Sometimes.."

"Okay.. And does that lead you yo restrict your intake at all?"


"How about bingeing, do you ever eat until you can't anymore? Do you ever feel like you're out of control?"

"I guess.." I said.

"And do you ever throw up?" He interrogated.

There was no point in hiding anything at this point, they weren't stupid. "Yes.." I said to him.

He sighed. "We figured as much. Do you think you can come with me, so we can give you an assessment and screening?"

"Whatever.." I agreed, following following the doctor to where he wanted to take me.


I was relaxing in my room, writing in a notebook, when Vic showed up to visit me once again. "What did they tell you?" He asked.

"Um.. They said I can't perform anymore until I'm healthy again.. I guess I'm at risk for a heart attack, and other health complications and it would be bad for me if I strained my-" I was cut off by Vic kissing me on the lips. I was surprised, I definitely was not expecting it to happen.

"Me and Danielle broke up." He said. My eyes sent wide in disbelief.

"No shit.." I looked at him. "How did she take it?"

"Surprisingly well, now can we get to the part where you realize we were meant to be together and you take me back?" He asked me.

I couldn't help but smile, as I kissed him deeply. "Yes, Vic.. Y-Yeah, I want to be yours again," I murmured.

He smiled and kissed me, holding my face in his hands. "I love you so much, Kellin. I'm going to make things right."

"Promise?" I whimpered.

"Promise.." He whispered, kissing my cheek.

"I trust you," I whispered before Vic crawled into the bed with me, pulling me super close to him.

"Good.." He kissed my neck sweetly, trying to distract me from the situation at hand.

Sometimes I really wished I could go back in time and take back all of the self destructive behavior I started. I hated living the way I did, but it was just so hard to fix myself.

"Vic?" I whispered.

"What's up, Kells..?" He asked.

"I-I want to get better."

He smiled. "I'm glad.."

"But it's so hard," I interrupted.

"I kn-"

"No you don't!" I snapped. "You don't.. You h-have no fucking idea," I cried. "The hell you put me through, th-this is your fault." I sniffled.

"I-I know.. Kellin, I'm so sorry.."

I shook my head, covering my face. I was so conflicted. I was so mad at him for what he had done but, it was in the past now. I wasn't sure what the right thing to do was. Move on and get the love of my life back and end up happy? Or would I push him away, just to torture myself until my time was up? I wasn't sure.

I was never really that great at making the right decision, and I didn't want to lose Vic. So as hard as it was, I just kept my mouth shut. I ultimately decided to change the subject back to the original question.

"Basically, you have to cancel the tour or perform without me until I'm better." I said.

"The fans will be so disappointed, I mean, Kellin, you're one of the most important people.."

"But if I don't get help now, I could die!" I argued. Vic just sighed, knowing I was right.

"Okay, I know, Kellin." Vic sighed. He forced a smile as he began to speak again. "It definitely won't be the same without you though." He kissed my cheek, and I blushed.

"I know, you gotta have the hot vocalist." I teased, causing him to gasp.

"What are you saying?? That I'm not hot!? I'm totally hot, I'll have you know," he started, and I giggled, crashing my lips into his and kissing him deeply.

"Shut up, of course you're hot." I smiled.

"Aw, you really think so?" He cooed. I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're so dumb." I smiled.

"You love me though.." He said.

I shrugged, I couldn't argue with that. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

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