The Later Visit

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     Naru-Pup's P.O.V.~!

     Soon after the sky darkened, a ring filled the mansion halls. Hurting my over sensitive ears and causing for me to huddle underneath a chair. Peaking out from my hiding place and perked up, hitting my head upon the hard solid part of the chair. Wincing and rubbing my throbbing bump, crawling out from under and smiled faintly. It is Oriara, the boy I had met just yesterday. Why is he here? Are his fathers here on their visit? I-I don't see them... Why is he here?

     I walked up to him, the smile still upon my face and gently set my ears onto my head, cocking it off to the right while giving him my most innocent gleam. "W-Why are you here?" I asked, my smile not faltering even thou I had stuttered. His lips curled up, having caught my eyes and I quickly averted his, a flush growing deeper upon my face. O-Oh my... What is going on with me, I'm acting just like my fathers.

     My eyes opened wide at the thought. 'Just like my fathers...' I looked back at him, seeing he had grown a similar flush upon his face. One ear fell back while the other perked, a curious gesture I had picked up from others of my kind. The butler told for me to step aside, doing as he asked and let the boy come in. He sat down upon a couch and I took a seat from across him. I had been informed just a few moments ago that he is here to have a 'play-date' with me and it made me flush even deeper. Had our parents set us up? Or... Is it truly just a play-date?

     I am too old for these things though, nearly reaching fifteen years of age. I may look to be around ten or twelve, but I am way older than my appearance tells off. He does look to be around my age, in looks, but I might just ask him. "H-H-How old are you?" Having trouble speaking, I licked my lips. Trying to get them moist and took a sip of tea that had been placed out for the two of us.

     "I am only fourteen, but my fifteenth birthday is coming up in the spring." He told to me, his smile staying upon his face, but the flush on his cheeks brightened. "How old are you?" He then turned his attention onto his surroundings, his eyes sparkling a deep amethyst purple. Very unusual, a boy with such colored eyes and to top it off, he had natural pink hair. He may as well be a sucker. His skin so pale, nearly white and what are those... M-Mouths on his hands?! How did I not see that before. Was it because of the cloak he is wearing or... Had I not looked at them when he came up to me yesterday?

     "I'm the same." I told to him, his face lit up and his smile nearly reaching ear to ear. He noticed that his hands where showing and drew them back into his long sleeves. The smile upon his face faltered and frowned. It seemed as if he didn't like it, but why wouldn't he? It seems fun to have mouths on your hands. I grabbed them, running my fingers over the lip like creases and shivered. It was interesting, the feeling coming from them. Even the boy shivered, guessing it must be a strange feeling to him as well.


     I know this is short, but I'm trying to do my best! Hope you enjoy it, comment, vote, and fan me if you'd like. Oh and one more thing, be fabulous!

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