The Touch

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     Naru-Pup's P.O.V.~!

     After I had let his hands fall to his lap, he kept is gaze from me. Had I done something wrong? "Um... N-Naru... N-Naru-Pup..." He tried to say my name, but he was stuttered a bit, why? I was curious and leaned over, setting a hand onto his head and the other under his chin, having him look into my rich azure eyes. He gulped deeply, making my mouth water as I watched his atoms apple bob up and down. Oh how strange this feeling is... All because of one simple tough. One electrifying tough....

     "Naru-Pup, I am wondering if you'd like to go up to your room. Be alone, there are to many people here and I feel uncomfortable." Briefly nodding my head and excused the butler watching over us, taking the boy, well more like leading him, up the grand staircase and into the main hall. Entering my room with a quick turn of the nob with my tail. Flicking my ears and stepped to my bed. Sitting down and it made a loud creaking sound, causing for me to fold my odd furred ears back upon my head. I just hate that, it hurts so bad! Why must my senses be so much more compared to others? I mean, I'm nothing more than a human with animal add-ons now ain't I?!

     The boy before me broke me from my thoughts as he cleared his throat, I realized I was starring directly at him and he seemed to have found it disturbing. Raising an eyebrow at how he covered his front with his hands. What is wrong with him? "What is wrong?" I asked to him with a concerned tone in my voice, perking my ears forward to hear what he has to say back to me.

     "Well... I uh... Have a little... I should say 'big' problem... D-Down below..." My face turned tomato read as I had established what he meant, he was... Because of ME?! What does he think he will do about it while with me? Did my parents really set this up? No, that would be gross and plain wrong of them to do that! Yet again... I've started to feel a bit strange in my lower regions too after having touched those hands of his. Oh... How it must be to have those hands... No, bad boy. Don't think like that! Stop this right now! I mentally slapped myself and shook from my thoughts, only to notice the boy had come closer to me. Probably a bit too close. His face was only half an inch from my own. The burning crimson on my cheeks spread to my whole face.

     He set both his hands against the wall, having cornered me. I have nowhere to turn now that I am trapped, what is he going to do to me?! He leaned closer and closer, his hot breath against my lips as he gently pecked at them. Making me shiver once again, This is so wrong! How can it feel so good... "Mn..." I moan out unintentionally, getting a bit more forced into the kiss after guessing the boy liked my response. Gliding his hands all along my slightly clothed skin. Placing them up my mid-drift shirt and made the tongues that appear from his palms run over my teats. Causing for them to perk up and for me to moan out a bit more.

     "S... Stop... P-Pl... Please..." I tried to push him away, but the sensation of him touching me kept me from being able to. He wrapped his arms around me, bringing me ever so close to his body. It was as if I was being controlled. Oriara... Oriara... I thought over and over again, his hands began to migrate south of my belt. Tensing up at the sudden rush of heat traveling to all over my body. Rubbing my front and I groaned out, moving my pelvis forward, asking for more sub-consciously. He gladly did as my body wanted, groping my crotch and rubbing over my tenting bulge with his thumb. I finally gave in, kissing him back and let him do what he pleased with me. The animal instincts I had suppressed being released into my room.


     What do you think? I hope you enjoyed this, please comment, vote, and if you desire, fan me! Oh and be wonderful!

     I also decided to put a picture up to give you all an example of what Oriara looks like. His eye color shifts from three; Blue, to purple, to a reddish brown.

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