Chapter 30: Blood, sweat and-

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Chapter 30- Blood, sweat and-

"Beer?" Mack came up to us, with a bottle...and a sly expression.

My heart was beating in my ears and I was sweating like a dog.

"Mack", I warned.

He ignored me. "Beautiful Addilyn, has our Seb told you about his wild college days?"

I bit my lip and slit my eyes, daring him to go on.
He did.

As he told Addilyn stories in the middle of the dancefloor about how I streaked in a football match and how I pranked a teacher with herself and how we set fireworks off in the pool, I was lost in a never ending yet beautifully beautiful symphony of her laughter.

Laughter I wish I could keep in a bottle.


As we danced the night away, I got a call.
I'm actually really surprised that I felt it, what with all the sounds in the club.

It was Mom.

This didn't seem good.

I leaned into Addilyn, taking in her musky yet fruity scent. "Adz, I need to take this. It's my Mom".

"Oh", she said, realising instantly what it could be.

"Here, go sit with Dom and I'll be back in a few"

She nodded, as she reluctantly walked over to my friend.

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