Chapter 44- Baby, I'm:

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Chapter 44- Baby, I'm-

Home is where you home.
In a city, home is New York.
In a career, home is acting.
In a food, home is pizza.
All in all, my home is Addilyn.


I couldn't stop thinking about Addilyn every second of every day.

It was Day #6 on the 'Ignore Sebastian cause he did a dick move' quest and I'm dying. I didn't think it would be this hard to not speak to her.
I tried to call her, text her (still do both no less than a dozen times daily), call/text Chaz and visit her.
None of my attempts have worked.

Only one thing left: Dom.


"Dommy!" I said, cheerily as I walked into his flat on a chilly morning on Sunday. Or Thursday, who can tell the difference?
He rose his eyebrows, looking up from the book he was hunched over in his arm chair. "You seem happy"
"Cause I'm seeing you", it was a lie. Kinda.
He huffed. "Out with it. I have a long ass meeting in 25 minutes"
I walked over to him. "You know how I fucked up with Addilyn?"
His forehead creased and he frowned and looked between the ground and I. "I'm not- I can't get involved."

He had to. He was my only option. I looked around his two bedroom flat, with white sophisticated walls but literally everything else was crazy. For example, he had anime and comic stuff strewn together on one side and art work on the other. Other than that, it was tidy af.
"You have to. She has with you". Neither of us believed me.
Still, I pressed. "Just talk with her. About me, please. Reason with her that I made a dick move but it won't happen again." Then I leaned in closer, like a baffoon. "Look in my eyes. Her absence is killing me, right?"
He moved his head far from me (and rightfully so), then drew out a long breath.
After a while of him staring, he finally said, "Fine. After my meeting, I'll go see her". Then added skeptically with narrowed eyes, "Don't make anything of it, like you normally do."
"Brother", I said, smiling. "It's you. What could possibly go wrong?"


How in hell do these people get information like this?

Against my better judgement, I was scrolling through my Google News results. Addilyn and I had been less than a month 'official' and I read garbage like this:

Uh-oh! Looks like Bucky Barnes can't seem to find his Mrs Right.
Sebastian Stan has reportedly broken up with his girlfriend, Addilyn Peterson, who is nine years his junior.
Sources tell us that the pair, who made their debut as an item official less than a month ago, fought over moving in together.

Sebastian, AKA TJ Hammond, AKA Carter Baizen, AKA James Buchanan Barnes, also seems to have a schedule too busy for a girlfriend.
Press junkets and tours for the new Captain America film begin in less than a week.
Addilyn seems busy too- focusing on work and making the drug to cure heartbreak. Ki-ding! We wish!!

*We've been in touch with Sebastian Stan's representatives who have yet to respond to our requests in confirming-or denying- the breakup of the couple.

Where do they get this shit from? I mean, WHAT THE HELL?!
They're on the right track but may have taken a detour.

I slammed my laptop down and took a nap.

Hopefully the next time I nap, my arms will be around Addilyn

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