Chapter 13

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*Kurt POV*
what to expect with him UGH once again blaine anderson hurts me cheesus and I still keep running back to him! when will I stop getting hurt by him I wish I never went to that stupid party! I hate him he's always hurting me! What did I do wrong! I hope Sebastian keeps him happy!

Blaine Pov
I walk up to the door and knock Burt answers the door and glares at me So are You Blaine Y-yes sir Okay let me tell you something Kurt is very upset and I'm betting it's because of you so I'm going let you talk to him then I don not want you to come by anymore okay? Y-y-yes s-sir I walk in and I see Kurt's room and the door is cracked slightly I stick my head in and he's saying all these things and I feel bad because I found out only a few days ago like me and I did that to him i walk in the door and he says "Go Away" I still walk in and I sit on his bed Don't say those things Kurt I say a lil  angrily he won't even look at me. Cause if you didn't go then we wouldn't have to little angels obviously the earth wanted more people like us and we are going to be great father's and we are going to love them as much as we love each other Kurt you have to believe me when I say I'm sorry. He doesn't even look at me or say anything. Kurt please say something he looks at me and says oh and when we're older and I don't tell you right away your going to sleep with someone or get drunk? No I don't think so I am NOT going to get hurt again! Your right but Kurt I am so sorry! Okay your sorry and I forgive you that lit up my face he looked at me but you have to earn my trust. How? I will do anything! Well first.....
Yes short chapter I know sorry guys but do you think Blaine will earn his trust or nah I know it's kind of boring right now but it will be more interesting soon promise! Love you guys Vote and Comment 👇🏽

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