Niall sick- for Anonymoussss1298

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I took a deep breath and sagged away from the toilet in shock, collapsing backwards against the cool wall behind me.

Not exactly where I wanted to be or what I wanted to be doing at four o' clock in the morning.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, trying to will away the remaining nausea. My stomach was still reeling but I didn't think I was going to throw up again, not at the moment anyway. 

The smell wasn't helping so I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth out  before leaving the bathroom, one hand gingerly cupping my bloated gut.

I hadn't managed to wake up anyone else though thankfully.

We were all getting to the cranky point of tired, which usually only surfaced after a few long weeks on the bus, not days. We'd had such a tightly packed schedule, running around everywhere barely and having the time to stay in one place for a single hour, and it was quickly becoming exhausting. 

Apparently this was my bodies way of telling me to take a break.

Anyway, the boys were all cranky and were more likely to get angry rather than sympathise as I heaved over the toilet and interrupted their sleep.

I sneaked as quietly as I could back to the bunks and got back into bed, pulling the covers tight around myself and tucking my knees into my chest. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but a loud and sudden hiccup jolted them wide open and I pulled a face in the darkness. 

Hiccups? Seriously?

I exhaled with a huff and a quiet moan slipped out as my stomach clenched painfully. I hiccuped again.

 And again. And again. 

Every few seconds my chest jumped. I tried to ignore them and just fall asleep, they were starting to stir up my gut and I just wanted to get to sleep before they forced me back into the bathroom.


I must've managed to fall asleep because next thing I know I'm waking up, a slither of sunlight streaming in through an irritating gap in the curtains. My stomach wasn't feeling any better than it had been last night and neither was I. 

I was still sweaty and sluggish, and feeling pretty awful.

I rolled over onto my back and winced as the contents of my stomach rolled around uncomfortably inside of me. 

According to my phone it was eight o' clock. There was a missed call from an unknown number too. 

I was a bit confused as to why I hadn't been woken up yet. I swear one of the managers said something about a radio interview yesterday.

Maybe everyone had accidentally slept in.

Shit, we were in trouble.

I tiredly opened the curtains and forced myself onto my feet despite the voice in my head telling me to just forget about it, stay in bed and feel sorry for myself. 

Sure enough all the curtains were still shut and quiet snores were coming from Louis' bunk above me.

I burped awkwardly, my hand shooting to my mouth in case it was more than a burp and I ended up vomiting all over the floor. 

Fortunately it was just a burp, and it loud enough to wake everyone up.

"What the hell kind of wake call is that Niall?" Louis groaned irritably, opening his curtain to glare at me. 

I shrugged, I hadn't done it on purpose and it wasn't like I'd had any time to muffle it or anything.

"Go back to sleep Ni. . ." Liam moaned.

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