Niall sick- for mermaid1113

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"So, that makes 13 away. Sheesh, this flu bug really is getting around isn't it?" My English teacher, Mrs Cole, hummed thoughtfully as she sent the roll away. She stabbed one last key on her keyboard with a manicured nail as I glanced around the empty classroom. She was right. Half of the class was missing.

"Lucky motherfuckers," my friend Finn whispered wistfully in my ear. "Sitting all cosy at home while the rest of us suckers suffer through this hell."

"I'd rather be here than sick," I disagreed. As much as I enjoyed a good day away from school I hated feeling unwell and everything that came with it, sandpaper tissues, endless hours on the bathroom floor, and the horrid medicine Dad kept in the bathroom cupboard. The stuff was just plain nasty. School wasn't so bad in comparison, in my opinion.

"I wouldn't," Finn whined.

The day passed by fairly quickly. We were still in the beginning of a new term which meant a lot of lessons were simply introductions to new topics. Plus, year nine (excuse my New Zealanderness haha, I don't know how any other school systems work. He's thirteen) work was a breeze mostly. Apart from maths. Man I hate maths.

As always, I met Liam at his car on the edge of the lot at the end of the day. He was waiting for me in the drivers seat, window rolled down with his elbow rested on the ledge. One of his friends was sat in the passenger seat, Mitch, if I remembered that right.

"Hey," he greeted with a nod towards the back, "I'm giving Mitch a ride home so you're in the back today Ni."

I opened the door and threw my bag to the other side, "can you put some music on for me then?"

"Sure," Liam replied as I clicked my belt over my lap. He and Mitch chatted away all the way to Mitch's place a few blocks away. I half listened, in case I was brought into the conversation. I wasn't, not a lot of Liam's friends acknowledged me, but I still caught most of the talk.

Mitch was taking the rest of the week off and blaming it on the flu bug running rampant throughout the entire school. I wasn't surprised, half the school was probably contemplating trying the same thing. In fact, I'f bet half of my class was pulling the same trick too. It was smart, and it would probably work. I'd try it myself if it wasn't for the dreaded medicine I knew would come out the second I lied about feeling ill.

It wasn't even almost worth it.

"I'm jealous." Liam grinned as we pulled into Mitch's driveway and he got out of the car, rapping his knuckles on the door.

"You should be," Mitch said. He smiled and waved before heading into his house. After stopping at McDonald's for a burger and a drink Liam and I got home an hour before dinner. It was a new system we'd created. Dad and Papa had decided to try cooking healthier meals and although 75% of the time they actually weren't that bad they were hardly fulling enough to satisfy a three year old.

Even with the McDonald's added Liam sometimes still complained he was hungry, which was why I found it strange when he spent dinner time pushing his food around his plate. By the end of the meal I'd only counted three bites he'd actually put in his mouth.

"Don't you like it Li? There are left overs from last night if you'd rather some of that?" Dad offered.

"Lou, it's probably yuck by now," Papa pointed out, frowning at Liam's untouched dinner, "is it really that bad?"

"Shhh Haz, I'm sure it's fine. Liam?"

Liam sighed heavily and dropped his fork. He shook his head slowly, "I'm just not hungry Dad."

It only lasted a fraction of a second, but I saw the flash of warning glance Liam shot my way. I frowned in confusion until he spoke again, "I feel kinda sick."

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