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I hop off the motorcycle searching for Bella and find her standing close to my mate with Edward's arm around her. I met Edward when they came to visit Bella's mom in Phoenix the other day. He told me about the new born army and how he used this trip to try and get her out of town. I was pissed at first because I have been trying to keep Bella out of trouble but he seems to attract more. He needed my help and that's why I'm back.

Bella spots me and runs over wrapping her arms tightly around me.
"Talia, what are you doing here?" She asks happily.

"Newborn army. Seriously Bella?" She rolls her eyes playfully. We laugh together while walking over to Edward. He pulls me in a hug and thanks me for coming.

He then introduces me to his family.

"This is Alice, she is gifted. She has visions of the future based on people's decisions" Alice was a beautiful girl with pixie-cut hair and a small frame. She runs over to me and hugs me very tightly. "It's so nice to finally meet you" she exclaims. "You too" I laugh.

Next he gestures to my handsome, blonde mate. "And this is Jasper. He is also gifted. He can control and manipulate people's emotions." Edward explains. I try my hardest not to pounce on him and I can see he is holding back too. "Hello ma'am" he says lifting my hand up to his lips and kissing it. That little bit of contact set me on fire and I didn't think I was going to be able to control myself. Thankfully I did.

I diverted my gaze back go Edward, breaking the trance I was in. "There is also Rosalie and Emmett, they will be coming now".

He points to a big buff guy with short black hair and a girl with blonde hair and- "ROSE!" I exclaim running over at human speed. She starts to run too and takes me into a bone crushing hug.

"Talia oh my-where have you been? Why did you leave me?" She asks sadly.

"I had to leave after Carlisle found you because you weren't safe with me. I had too many people after me and if they found out that you were my ally then they would have targated you too" I explained. Rose was my best friend a long time ago. One night I was out and I could smell blood. I knew it was her's. I followed it and found Rose naked and beaten on the side of the street. I had no choice but to turn her. If she had gone to a hospital she wouldn't have made it and Rose deserved a long life of happiness and that was what I was going to give her. As soon as I but her I could hear her harsh scream but put a sound barrier over us so that no one could hear. I brought her back to my small house and laid her there until she woke up on the third day. I had contacted Carlisle and I knew he would be able to help her. So when she woke up on the third day I was gone half way across the country running away from vampires that wanted me dead. I felt so guilty but I had a vision of her being happy with her mate in Carlisle's home and I was instantly calmed down.

"It's okay Talia. I'm just so glad your back!" She exclaims happily. We laugh together and then she introduces me to Emmett.

"Edward you asked her to come? She doesn't look like any help if you ask me" he boasts. He should not have said that.

"Oh really? That sounds like a challenge to me" I sneer playfully.

"Bring. It. On."


Hey I dunno if I should continue with this story. Please leave your comments below. If I get at least 2 votes I will continue because I know then at least someone is enjoying it hahahaha x

TL x

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