Chapter 1 - Starpoint Tower

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Art by 46Kibahime ~ The Owl is Hunting


Chapter 1 - Starpoint Tower


Athira landed softly on the roof of the skyscraper, watching her quarry move through the night.

Reader. It'd taken her months of tracking him to Sirah, weeks of pinpointing him consistently to this area of the city, but she'd found him. There was no mistaking the signature silver mask, nor the cropped black hair that framed it.

His figure, outlined by the glittering lights of the city below her rooftops, moved swiftly between the buildings as he continued towards the outskirts. No doubt it was how he'd been able to evade the Elites for so long. No one expected him, a purple colour, to be anything but exceptionally mentally capable and yet here he was, swinging between the rooftops like he was born to it.

What a revolutionary. Now we can all devolve back into monkeys and go about our merry way.

Athira took her eyes from him for a moment and scanned the distance, careful to never let his figure quite leave her sight. There wasn't much but ruins in the direction he was headed, although if he were headed to the old Starpoint tower, it would all but confirm her suspicions that he was the one she needed.

She caught his figure just as it rounded a corner, leaving what was officially considered Sirah's boundaries.

She walked to the edge, allowing her colour to keep her afloat as her boots left solid ground. Hands in front, she aligned her body into a dive to gather speed before spreading her arms wide and pushing them behind her as she silently moved in on her prey.

There was nothing more than a tingling in her fingers as she drifted through the air. Flight didn't hurt like it once had. It didn't cause her runes to flare, only to simmer on her skin like they usually did. If anything, it was the closest to enjoyment she got.

She followed him through the ruins, weaving his way across the long abandoned, partially destroyed buildings on the verge of collapse. She eyed the device he was using to swing between the buildings from her vantage point in the sky. Wherever the hook landed, more than a few things crumbled to the ground.

Athira frowned. They better not fall over on top of him. I'm not spending the next eight months finding another person who can help me.

Despite her misgivings, Reader managed to reach the Starpoint tower without placing himself in mortal danger. Sure enough, when he reached its base, he stopped and replaced the hook device on his waist, pulling out something that glinted in the faint citylight instead.

Athira's heart sped up. This was it. Somehow, Reader was linked to the disturbances at Starpoint tower, the ruptures in colour that woke her up, sweating in her sleep. He had answers... or at least she hoped he did.

She pulled herself into the shadow of a nearby building to watch him. Reader stood for a moment, one hand resting against his head, the other holding the glinting object in his hand, before he tugged the old metal doors of the tower open and dropped the glinting object to the floor behind him as he disappeared inside.

Things were coming together, finally.

Whatever Reader dropped at the entrance of the tower wasn't going to stop her. She didn't need doors. She drifted closer to the wall of Starpoint tower and took a deep breath, steadying herself.

Athira pressed her palms against the corroding metal walls and willed herself to slip through it, holding her breath against the pain that bloomed along her skin. Her colour obeyed, encasing her body as she pushed herself through to the inside of the tower. Like when she levitated, she wasn't afraid of getting stuck. Her colour wouldn't let her die so easily.

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