Chapter 23 - A Warden's Bidding

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A/N - READ! Athira’s cloak colour has changed. Her ‘Owl’ one is now grey and speckled with various shades of brown and white, much like the wings of an owl. It was confiscated by the Elites and never given back. Since she still wanted a cloak, Raph gave her a plain indigo one to wear. Kay? Kay. Go! 


Chapter 23 - A Warden’s Bidding


Discord was livid.

He slammed a palm on to the scanner, barely waiting for the bleep that told him the door was open before snatching it off again. Resisting the urge to kick the door panels in as they opened at an agonisingly slow pace was getting harder by the moment.

Who designed the stupid things anyway? A man like him didn’t have time to wait for panels to slide open. His time was better spent inside the rooms that the doors guarded.

Teleportation. The next big thing.

Three swift strides took him through the open door. Another three after those took him straight past the doorman that was supposed to scan ID as an extra precaution. The man attempted some garbled protest as Discord ignored him and marched straight up to the commanding centre of the room.

The raised platform, usually occupied by only a round table with chairs to match and an Elite if it was lucky was now swarmed with them. At least ten Elites were gathered, leaning over the various see-through screens while three orange techies waved their hands about and did whatever it was orange colours did to bring up data.

Naturally, Discord pushed his way to the edge of the table and slammed his hands on to the table.

“This better be important,” he said before turning his gaze to the nearest orange. “Move.”

It took the orange colour two seconds too long to process Discord’s order. Though he’d scrambled out of his seat, he left his various belongings behind which Discord quickly removed with a small blast of sound. The stylus and various attached notes went flying off to the floor below where the rest of the oranges worked around screens.

Discord promptly placed himself in the newly vacated seat. “What’s the situation?”

The red Elite across the table eyed him. Juveria, he remembered. She was one of the few to ever best him two out of three in the duelling arena, although he considered her a cheater. With her ability to conjure red-coloured objects from nothing at will, his sound blasts had barely been able to reach her.

 Either way, she seemed to think she had some kind of blackmail over him that allowed her to talk down to him.

 “Discord,” said Juveria dryly. “Please try to manage some respect for the techs, they’re rather important.”

Discord made as if to stand up from the table, keeping his palms in contact with the surface.

“If you brought me here to lecture me, then I’ll be leaving. I have better things to do than play House with you ladies.”

Another green Elite beside Juveria rolled her eyes.

“No need to be dramatic,” she said.

Discord stared her down. “And you would be... someone not very important?”

“Nope, but I’ve heard all about you,” said the green Elite with a grin. She barely flinched under his gaze. “Where to start--“

“Gaby, shh,” said Juveria.

The urgency in her tone was unmistakable. Judging by the way the green Elite’s expression lots its sparkle to that of a scolded child, Discord knew she’d picked up on it.  

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