Chapter 13 - Child of Sin

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Dedicated to bababoey2u for the truckload of cookies and comments <3 Check out 'Gods Rising' - aka the first thing I'm reading after NaNo is finished. 


Chapter 13 - Child of Sin


Shift made his way behind Athira to Raph and slowly pushed his arms down.

“Raph, the disturbance,” he said quietly. “It’s hap-“

“What is this prophecy?” said Athira. Her voice was hard.

Reader narrowed his eyes. “Why don’t you ask your precious Elites?”

Athira opened her mouth to reply when Reader’s hand shot out, purple flecks dancing through his eyes.

Shift felt a sharp pain in his mind and his knees went weak. Beside him, Raph crumpled to the floor, clutching his head while his colour-formed sword dissolved into a puddle next to him. Shift struggled to stay standing but managed to get out a word.


Athira’s head snapped around. Her eyes narrowed as she saw Raph on the ground.

Black colour flickered off her shoulders as she turned back to Reader. Her eyes flashed.

“You don’t touch them.”

Athira’s hand swept through the air, leaving a trail of black colour in its wake. It slammed into Reader’s chest and knocked him back into the metal beams. The sheer force of the impact knocked some from the pile that crashed into the floor with an almighty crash, drawing Reader’s startled gaze.

By the time he looked back, Athira was on him once again. Her fingers clawed the air in front of her, summoning colour that crashed into Reader and lifted him off the ground at her command and flung him across the room. Black colour soon engulfed objects near him, turning them into missiles aimed straight at Reader’s head.

Reader knocked a few of them away with the force of his mind and turned back to her. “Yes, Athira! Unleash your wrath upon me! Bring the Kingdom of Sin closer to fruition!”

She walked towards him, boots barely touching the ground. Shift pushed himself up, stumbling after her as his world spun. I have to get to her.

“The hell is going on!” screamed Talia from the corner, arms spread wide behind her to protect Zoe and the child as Athira’s assault on Reader continued.

The building shook, and for the first time, thoughts of the true extent of Athira’s power entered his mind and how clueless everyone else was in terms of it.

We’re completely in the dark. We have no idea how to stop her.

Shift caught up to her, grabbing her by the shoulders and attempting to pull her back. His colour fizzled, parts of it forming copies of the black colour Athira was emanating.

“Athira, stop!” he said. Her eyes, no longer iris and pupil were pure black and edged with the infra red glow of Rathe, flicked towards him.

A black hand made of colour took Shift’s wrist and plucked it off her body, holding it at his side. It refused to release him, but Shift’s colour had other ideas. It took six seconds for his colour to shift it out of existence.

The borrowed colour lurked beneath his skin, heating up and igniting as he attempted to call it to the surface.

In the mindscape, he’d had her memory to guide the flow of Rathe’s energy in his body. In reality, he had no idea how to channel Athira’s. The two were strikingly similar, but nonetheless, it felt foreign, burning like embers just beneath his skin.

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