Chapter 15 - Reaction - Part I

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This chapter is being uploaded in two parts because the 50k mark is in here ^.-


Chapter 15 - Reaction - Part I


The next day, Raph, Shift, Zoe and Athira suited up and boarded the monorail headed to Elite HQ.

The seats were as plush as Athira remembered, the view flashing past just the same. The only difference between her first trip and this one was the group of girls that seemed to be attracted to Shift like he wore a female only gravitational field.

Athira sank further back into her cowl, trying to pretend the group of clingy girls didn’t exist. However, her cloak wasn’t soundproof and the squeals of excitement coming out of the girls that claimed their miniskirts and crop tops were clothing couldn’t be blocked. What she’d seen Raph go through the other day was nothing compared to the torrent of babble being unleashed upon Shift.

“Ohh, I heard the other day that when you were out on patrol, you stopped a villain from kidnapping my friend!”

“No, that’s not what I said! I said that I saw him save someone!”

“You said it was you!”

Athira rubbed her temples. There is no way Shift enjoys this, or anyone else.

It made sense why Raph made Shift sit on the aisle seat, although Athira was starting to wonder why the monorail didn’t just dedicate an entire car to Shift and his fans. As far as she was concerned, the amount of money they’d make from girls riding the monorail just to try and spot Shift would be well worth the investment, plus everyone else could hear themselves think.

“Is that the girl Gossip Insidersaid you carried inside Indigo base?” squeaked one of the girls.

Athira was vaguely aware of the eleven stares that were suddenly directed to her. She responded by giving them the back of her head to look at. Someone touched her shoulder, and she was about to slap it away until she recognised it as Zoe’s.

“No way, Shift wouldn’t do that to us!” said one, sounding like her world would shatter if it were true.

“Shift, did something happen that you haven’t told us about!” demanded another.

“It’s my job to assist those in need,” said Shift confidently. His voice sounded different to Athira, like he was acting. “If that requires carrying someone, then it’s my duty to do so as a Colour.”

Athira’s head met the glass of the window as she sighed. “Do they ever shut up?” she muttered.

“This is pretty much what happens every time Shift catches the monorail and someone spots him,” said Zoe.

Zoe produced a small screen from her bracelet, showing some kind of social media site and the hundreds of posts from various female sounding account names telling each other Shift was currently on the monorail. Most showed some measure of disappointment at having missed it or being otherwise occupied.

OMG, parents won’t let me skip family day to stalk Shift #lifeisover #Shiftme


“What I wouldn’t give for that to be my biggest problem in life,” said Athira.

Zoe put the screen away. “We tried disguising him once but they caught on to it. It’s the weirdest thing.”

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