We're Being Haunted

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I gulped nervously and slowly backed up. What-ever-her-name-was fled from the room quicker than lightning, and I followed soon after, slamming the door roughly and frantically tearing through my rooms.

"Where is it?!", I muttered anxiously,"Where the bloody bats is it?" I sweep an dusty old cloth off of a innocent looking chest and speedily unlatched it, rummaging around.

"Uh," Sophie peered over my shoulder, "What are you looking for?" 

I stopped, and glanced at her with a dead-panned face.

"Holy water, a match, and some wood." She looked at me funny, but bent over behind a big ol' industrial sized chest, magically retrieving a few boards of wood. 

"Will this do for now?" She questioned, her body tense. I snatched them from her hands greedily, nodding as if I were a bobble head. Some nails soon found themselves pierced through the boards of wood which now blocked up the doorway magnificently.

"Uh, master?" Sophie said nervously, persistently tugging at my sleeve, "Master."

"Yes?" I responded loudly. Turning around I came face to face with the thing of my nightmares... it's skin had the texture of leather, but the rainbow colour of it moved like liquid around it's body. A permanent cross-eyed look was frozen on it's tiny head, and it waved a golden wand in-front of my face, taunting.

Never had my vocal cords been more tested than that point in time, and boy, let me tell you, I broke several glass bottles with my inhuman screech. 

The monstrosity covered it's ears, wincing in pain. Using this to my advantage, I grabbed Sophie and hastily bounded into the hall, zipping up the stairs, pushing pot plants and the like at the creature. Suddenly, just as I reached the top, the strange creature disappeared. Like a ghost...

Silence descended upon the area like a calamity.  Sophie and I looked nervously at each other, and then we heard it.

Thump. Thump.


Almost to soft and minute to be heard, but heard none the less...

We held onto each other, holding our breaths (metaphorically for me, of course). Then out of nowhere, it's horrible face appeared in front of us. In my panic, I grabbed a watering can and threw it, the water sloshing and spilling all over it and drenching the abomination.

Hissing, the thing tried to shake the water off it, but was failing to succeed as its colours had begun to run and fade to a unhealthy grey.

With one last yowl, it limped down the stairs that we had climbed up and slunk back into the room. With a curious but cautious glance, I saw it crawl through the hole, politely putting the picture back on the hook.

Sophie and I quickly hurried to our rooms and packed our things. We certainly weren't hanging around to find if it would come back.

"Do you think it was like the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz?" She pondered, "Is that why it kind of melted?"

I shoved a bunch of gold coins in my bag and scourged the house for valuables to take with me.

"I don't know."

She shyly looked up from where she sat timidly on my bed, her hands folded neatly in her lap.

"Is this where we leave? Where we say goodbye? Forever?" she said, her voice empty of the bubbly happiness I had grown so accustomed to. I paused, ever so briefly.

"Yes." My back was turned to her, and my hands wrung the loose piece of woolen clothing in front of me, "This is where we part ways."

"Oh." she muttered, "Then, goodbye?"


Please tell me where I could possibly improve this.

Same as always, Muggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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