The Followers

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I never intended to become... this monster- again. It wasn't my fault, nor my, infectors. Honestly, I had hoped to avoid this happening ever again, to avoid that dark, vile power that consumed light and left shadows in it's wake.

I knew the moment I lost my eyesight, that's when I realised. The inky blackness was familiar, the sting on my skin when I walked in the sun... Quickly I was living a nightmare, and I was completely powerless to stop it. With no money to pay for a transportation to the Main town, I couldn't stop the disease.

When this had happened before, it was intentional on my part. I wanted to be a monster. I desired power, uniqueness.

To soon did I understand the truth.

My following was small, of only three girls. But they were more then any other had managed to persuade before. I had successfully seduced them with power and half-empty promises. I had a tiny wooden cottage on the side of a hill near a lake, and I had burrowed into the back of it, removing wooden walls and clearing out a 6 by 6 room.

The girls feed me regularly, regardless of wether I need their blood or not. Soon they had set up an entire watch system, were one would serve, feed and attend to me while the others mined. They showered me in precious ores, riches, and rare objects.

They put me on a pedestal and bowed at my feet. I was a god to them. But I didn't want to be their God. I was more then mildly creeped out.

Every moment of the day, they were there. I never had to lift a finger. When I taught them how to hunt, they listened obediently, never objecting, never questioning anything I said.

When something was learnt, I wasn't allowed to do it anymore, for "I had no need, when they were to do it for me."

One hot summer day, I  invited a friend over, a human, in the foolish mindset that they wouldn't mind. They pounced on her the moment the door opened and they smelt the delicious blood pumping through her body.

They tore through her like a wolf a sheep's carcass. As my friend lied there, dying slowly as I pushed them away, I knew this was my fault.

They were new bloods, they didn't know any better. Did they?

I bit my wrist and forced my blood down her throat, saving and, at the same time, condemning her.

What had I done?

She forgave me, but convinced me to escape from that horrid prison when the moon was high in the sky and they were all hunting.

I sprinted far, far and further yet. I planted false trails, misleading clues, and fake paths. My friend thought I was silly, unnecessarily cautious But she couldn't see what I could. She wasn't yet a vampire, and didn't understand what we could do.

They tracked me, followed me, until I split from my friend and ran into a dangerous old mine system. I'm ashamed to admit that I cowered there for two day cycles, until my friend pulled me out.

Still, they sent me message after message, plea after plea. They begged me to come back, asked what other pureblood would teach them, who else would they follow?

I told them that they could ask any half-blood to teach them, but they disagreed. Said that as a gifted, I was scared, chosen by the goddess of bloodshed and night. I was to be treasured, worshipped, and that I had an abundance of knowledge to share.

I thought that was a bunch of manure, and I was very glad I escaped.

But my misadventures didn't end there.


This is an actual experience I had in a game, just written in words.

They were kind of like crazy obsessive fan girls, who followed me around and kinda had me on house arrest until I snuck away.

It's rather funny in retrospect.


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