The Only Girl in a Boy NeighborHood 4

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*** Hey peoples! + fans.... Hope you like this part, both my stories seem to have a little mystery in the end.... VOTE COMMENT DO SOMETHING!***


"DRRINNG!!!" The bell had rung time for class. Holy crap! Who knows what'll happen on the weekends! I'll worry about that later! It's time for 1st period. I came up to a door with a golden handle. I grabbed the handle with a firm grip and opened the door. I walked in looking down at my feet as I walked up to the teacher's desk. It shined from sunlight; I guessed there were windows where you could see the sun breaking the darkness. The teacher was hidden behind a computer, until she sensed my presence she looked at me with piercing mocha brown eyes.

She said with a lot of authority in her voice, "Ah, you must be Roxanne Major. A pleasure to meet you, this class is math. I hope you have a wonderful time in class." Yea how magnificent can math be? "Your seat is..." She looked to her computer, like I know what was on there. "Third seat in the fourth row! Please get your algebra book out to page, 42 and be seated." I looked around for the first time, in the back there were rows of math books. Behind the teacher was a whiteboard with different colored markers to the side. I took a glance at the fourth row to find it was empty and the last row, which meant WINDOW SEAT! I took off at a brisk pace towards the third seat, as I was going I found someone had placed a foot out. I quickly walked over it before I tripped, like I needed embarrassment on my first day! Once I got to my seat I scowled at the person who put its foot out. Turned out to be Mr. Demonic Eyes.

** Btw I named the kid I ran into: Mr. Demonic Eyes because of how his eyes got darker each second! And because I needed to give him a nickname **

He put on another smirk on his face; I felt my eyes show off my anger. I could see his smirk slowly back off into a straight line. His eyes seemed to change color from earlier today, they were a hazel brown but now they were henna. They looked just as creepy as mine, almost. I narrowed my eyes, and ripped my gaze from his to look out the window. The sun was coming out of its long sleep and started to show off its bright, warm rays. The clouds seemed to be on fire, for they were ginger. The sun came full into view as it rose out of the ground and slowly but gracefully flew up high into the sky.

"DRRINNG!!!" The bell rung a second time to indicate that you should now be in class. I looked around dazzled to see every seat was taken. The sun must have hypnotized me into hearing or seeing nothing except its picturesque beauty. There was a whole row taken up by blondes, the Blonde Gang. I wonder where's their Ken? Another row was filled with a mixture of guys and girls. They were all either reading or writing down some notes. I looked at the row next to me, to just find Mr. Demonic Eyes still glower at me. What is his problem? You know what? I think I got a STALKER on my hands. I let my repulsion take over my face, not even try and hide it, but let him show that I loathed him.

~~~Mr. Demonic Eye's POV~~~

Why does she hate me so? Why are her eyes so mystifying and treacherous yet so scenic? Why did I try to make her trip? Maybe just a reflex, I don't know. Why is there a strange feeling that hovers over me whenever she looks at me? My stomach turns just thinking about it. So many questions yet why can't I take my eyes off her breathtaking face and body? She's so lovely and charming...why do I act this way? For what I am, why should I like her? I remorsefully ripped my gaze from her.

~~~Back to Roxy's POV~~~

He seemed to be in a trance, like he was deep in thought. His eyes screamed confusion, yet he seemed relaxed. He came back down to earth and then he looked away to the teacher. It seemed like he hated it. I stopped looking around to look at my textbook; it was open at page 42. A bunch of weird equations were all over the place, I was a fast learner so, no problem there. I looked up to the teacher to see her writing equations on the board and her mouth moving, probably explaining how to do it. But I couldn't hear what she was saying, her voice seemed blocked out. I started to go deep into thought, ignoring everything that came into view. I started day-dreaming, I would always do this but it hasn't happened recently. I thought of what I dreamed last night. Every night I would see scene where later on it would prove itself, you could call it a vision. Last night it was all a blur, and I saw a lot of blood. Weird, I hope it doesn't happen, maybe a movie I'll see later....? 1st period passed in a blur, as I walked into 2nd period I kept feeling my back being drilled with stares. Each class- I have seven classes- I had Mr. Demonic Eyes, but I was lucky for 5th and 7th period, I had Dave. We got along pretty well, we were pretty compatible! But each time I talked I could still feel a glare burning into the side of my face. Oh my gosh I can't wait until after school.

** This is her schedule, for reference you might need later....

1: Math

2: Language Arts

3: P.E. & Lunch

4: Study Hall/Recess

5: Science

6: Art

7: History

Ok this is her schedule, each class she has Mr. Demonic Eyes, but for 5th and 7th period she also has Dave **

The teacher was just in the middle of explaining some history I didn't hear, "-he was also called Vlad the Impaler because he would take his victim's heads and drink their blood and place them on stakes on the road to his house, so he could scare off any unwanted visitors. Many other stories have been made afterwards, like for example, Edward- from Twilight-, Dracu-" Suddenly... " DRRINNG!!!" THANK YOU GOD!!! I sprinted out of the room, but slowed to a pace as I walked down the stairs leading into the concrete floor. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with fresh air. I was finally free from his death glare! But I will still have to get used to it, he would be in all my classes for the rest of the semester. I guess over time his gaze will become feeble, because I am not looking forward to getting used to it. I mean how can I get used to tha- UGH! I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I bent over in pain. A couple people seemed to notice and stop and take a look at me with confusion and shock written on their faces. I dropped to my knees, I couldn't take it! It was too much pain! I rolled over on my left and welcomed the darkness waiting to overcome me. I knew the pizza in the cafeteria was POISONED!

*** I hope you liked this... What do you think happened? Or what do you think will happen next? Comment, Vote, whatever people! I'm bored I'm going to get some coffee! And when I get back there better BE SOME COMMENTS! Oh yea and I want at least 10 votes, because votes are kinda low and I wanna raise it up a bit! COME ON cya all laterz! ***

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