Chapter 6

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     Thunder rumbled in the distance. "Now, what are two magnificent creatures like you doing out here?" The biggest wyvern rasped. "You're just in time for dinner." All the wyverns revealed their poison-barbed tails. Starcharm backed up to Featherfriend. "Okay," she whispered, "I'll distract them, you fly." Featherfriend didn't have time to respond before the wyverns lunged.

     Starcharm dashed up onto a high ledge. "Hey! Snot-face! Catch me if you can meat heads!" She yelled. That got their attention. They all roared in unison, but you don't want to know what they said as they roared. It might just give you nightmares.

     The wyverns chased her up to the top of the canyon. They had her surrounded. As they stabbed with their tails, Starcharm used a special trick her mate had taught her. She tensed her muscles so her scales created a thick armor that not even a charging minotaur could punch through. As the smallest wyvern jabbed, Starcharm twisted and bit down hard on its tail, ripping the barb off.

     It shreiked in pain, then dropped to the ground, dead. One down, five to go. She engulfed the next two in white-hot fire, leaving only a pile of bones. Three left. The remaining wyverns all jumped onto her back, ripping at her scales with their claws and teeth.

     She shook two off, and twisted her neck almost completely around and grabbed the remaining one by its neck. She yanked it off, and shook it violently, breaking most of its bones. She charged headfirst headfirst at the last two wyverns, piercing them with her horns. They yelled and roared for mercy, but she didn't stop. She rammed them right into a giant boulder.

     She got up, panting from the fight. " for trying to eat us." She growled. Featherfriend landed beside her. "Are you okay? I heard their roars." She said. "Ohh, your back looks bad." Suddenly the pain hit Starcharm. She threw her head back and roared in pain, then the world went black

                                                                  *     *     *

    Starcharm woke up on the floor of a cave, Featherfriend looking down at her. "What....happened?" Was all she could say. "It's okay," her friend told her. "You blacked out from the pain. Caringfire found us and agreed to help." Starcharm was relieved. Caringfire's voice came from somewhere behind her. "Hold still."

     Something cold, wet, and a little bit disgusting touched her back. Starcharm growled and dug her claws into the ground. Man, that hurt. Herbs helped, but stung sometimes. "You might need to stay here for the day." Caringfire grunted as she came into veiw.

     Starcharm snorted and closed her eyes. Maybe sleep would get her mind off all of this. She just wanted this to be over.

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