Chapter 9

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     Starcharm was flying over a giant mountain. She could hear the growling of a giant beast, along with many mumbling voices. She growled, this was wrong. As she growled, the voices grew louder. She decided to try an experiment.
     She roared. The voices grew to almost shouts. She smirked. Wait! Where was Featherfriend? Starcharm's panic woke her up.

                                                *    *    *

     She was only able to see a wall of metals, a window with a landscape rolling by, and a few of Featherfriend's gold-brown feathers before she felt another dart in her tail.

                                               *    *    *

     When Starcharm opened her eyes she was back above the mountain. She tried to land, but she couldn't move. This was going to be boring, but at least Featherfriend was safe.

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