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"Can't you just give up!? "

"No I don't want to.... You need help"

I sigh walking away. He speed up his car to go with my pace on the road. I was on my way home and he wanted to take me home.

"Mr. Kim!.. Even if I needed help., do you think it's that easy, they won't let me go, neither would they let you once you are involved",I half shouted.

" it's cause you are scared... Fight , don't hang your head low, don't say yes to whatever... They are your fears you created them"

"bullshit" I scoffed, he stopped the car getting out of it pulling my wrist.

"It won't be once you face them "

I stared at him for some long. Then rolled my eyes.

"What do you want? " I asked in defeat earning a big smile from him as if he won the lottery.


"Why are we here again.. " I asked raising an eyebrow, as we walked in his office.

"I wanted us to talk about it" he said mentioning me to sit on the sofa which I obeyed.

"I don't think there-"

"There is a lot to say.... Now tell how it begins "

I looked at him as he sat down in front of me. Hesitation ate my tongue I didn't know if I should trust him. I surprisingly did.

"When I was 6 my parents used to always go out or never come home cause of work, the maids too leaves the house after 9 , I would Sit there alone. I cried sometimes or I just go t sleep, until one day, as usual I was alone . The maid just left by then, I was sitting in the living room.
Voices started screaming my name saying help me or don't leave... Things like that... At first I ignored it , but it kept getting worst to the point where I started seeing them watching me from the window or opening my door at night, I was scared to tell anyone... "I hang my head low.

"Why. "

"They would think I'm insane..... And I don't wanna be a loner no more.... It's scary. ",he nodded montioning me to continue my story.

"Days passed by, that's when he came to the scene"

"He who? "

"My only friend.... Teddy, he was always there when I'm alone.. We would play together... I wasn't scared at all... Even though , he was one of them" I smiled pitying myself then felt a hand on my shoulder I raised my head and there was jin smiling at me.

"You just told me what you were scared to tell years ago" he titled his head which I found a cute.

I smiled but not in pity this time.. I felt happy. Shoving this off my shoulders.
My smile fell as my panic started.

"Mina? "He asked I screamed holding my head. My vision going blurry, "t-they are here!! "I yelled shivering looking around , he was there....

"Mina! Look at me! " he said holding my face between hi large hands... "They are your fears... Remember they were never real.. Have thy ever touched you? "
Now that I think about it. No.. They never touched me ..they always whisper and stare at me... How, could
You not realize that... They are no real, they are your fear.
Some how I felt a small flame of bravety turned on inside of me.

"Where are they? "Jin asked, I looked at him then behind him, he turned his head and walked that way, "no! They will hur-" he ignored me passing through them... My jaw dropped, those images still kept looking at at me, with sad eyes...
I just noticed it.

They look like me.... Sad, unhappy, miserable....

"Now come here Mina" jin said standing right next to them. I hesitated, my legs surprisingly didn't gave in this time.

He held my hand I felt my heart beating fast.
" we will both go through to your fears... Lead the way" he smiled at me, I felt every emptiness been filled up inside of me, I just wanted hold his hand forever.

"You did it"I gasp opening my eyes I just noticed I passed through those images, I won.... I'm free..

"I-i did it? " I felt tears going down my cheeks, I looked around there was nothing no more them.. My sight was straight good again

"Yes! "He cheered I jumped in happiness hugging him tightly, he was taken back then hugged me back, I pulled away after some time looking at him in the eyes, he stared at my eyes down to my lips, he was s tall, looking down on me.
I gulped his face going nearer and nearer, I slowly closed my eyes.

I think.......

I just..

Fell too deep...

Illusion // K.SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now