Chapter One

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|Y/N's POV|

I step outside to my apartment balcony. The warm breeze brazed my cheeks, and the sun was blazing high in the sky. I could smell the rain that had just passed. What a time to feel alive. Even though today was a new day, it felt different.

I walked back inside and checked the time. SHIT IT'S ALREADY 2PM! I  quickly rush to shower and get ready. I was already late. That's nothing new, though.

As I dried off, my phone began to ring.


I stumbled out of the bathroom, tripping over the bath mat. The phone stopped ringing. When I picked it up off the bed, it lit up once again.

Eek! It's Jin! That's not good.

"Hello?" I answer softly.

"WHERE ARE YOU (Y/N)?!" He yells in my eardrum.

"Im so sorry, I woke up late! I'm on my way right now!" I lied.

"Well, since you're already arriving late, can you pick up some soju? Looks like we are gonna need more than what I originally bought."

"Im on it, boss!" I say saluting.

I could hear him sigh heavily, "Thank you, and hurry the hell up!"

The phone call ended. I quickly get dressed and finish getting ready.

Of course I kept fucking up my eyeliner multiple times, causing me to be extremely late. I sped so quickly to the store it was like I was in Fast in the Furious.

Speed walking to the alcohol section of the store, someone familiar caught my attention. I stopped in my tracks and back up. I take a second look, but they were already gone.

I continued on my mission. I walk up and down each aisle, trying to find the soju. Finally, I find the one I'm looking for. I noticed there is a new flavor. I reached for it, and suddenly  our hands collided.

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you getting that one?" He asked politely.

"Oh no, you go ahead! I was just going to look at it." I smiled nervously.

He smiled back at me. My heart skipped a beat. He was unbelievably handsome. His height difference from mine was kinda ridiculous. His eyes were a deep brown so rich, and his hair was bouncy.

Why did fate give me the chance to meet with him. This god sculptured man.

"Thank you." He says as he takes the box of peach flavored soju from rack. I watch his every move. He looks up at me, "I mean, by the way you're staring, doesn't seem like it's okay that I'm taking this." He smirked.

"Y-y-yeah, of course, it's fine. Free country. " I smiled and let out the most hidious nervous laugh. My face felt hot. I'm sure it was blazing red.

He raised his brow, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yep. I am just fine. Don't worry about lil ol' me," I say trying to not squeak out my words.

"Okay, well see you ya around", He giggled and waved as he walked away.

My heart began to throb. I could swear I knew him from some where. It was on the tip of my tongue. I hope the next time fate brings us together I don't act like a complete idiot.

As I left the store, I wished I had asked him for his name. Or even his number. But my anxiety would never allow that. As usual.

When I arrived to Jin's house, someone stepping out of thier car caught my eye. I couldn't believe it. This must be a joke. IT'S THE HOT GUY FROM THE STORE!! Why the hell is he here? I grab the soju box out of the front seat and race toward the door. It couldn't be him? Why would he be here?

The Reddest Rose In The Bouquet {BTS Taehyung FanFiction} ‼️ EDITING PROCESS ‼️Where stories live. Discover now