Chapter Two

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-[Y/N] POV-

Its the next morning. You can feel the morning sun beam through the curtains. You cover your face with the blankets.

Your head felt like someone had thrown a brick at it. The throbbing was unbearable.

"[Y/N], [Y/N]!!!" Some one says to you as they shake you awake. You felt like you were gonna vomit.

Your eyes peak open and the room was so bright. Fuck..

When you look up and see Taehyung's face inches away from yours, you have a small panic attack.

"Hey." You say not knowing what else to say.

"So what happened last night between us?"he asks sacred.

"Nothing." You say bluntly.

"Are you sure because I don't think when 2 people are close to being naked, nothing happened."

"I swear. I saw you in here last night and I crashed right next to you."

"Half naked?" He says, his brow raised.

"Haha, yeah I sleep comfortably like that. I could have been completely topless but when you're in a house full of boys it's best to just have a top on."

He laughs."Okay, I trust you."

At this point he's completely hovering over you. His lips inches away from yours. Your heart began to beat. And the heart beat in your panties was throbbing. This gorgeous man was so close and you're second from mauling him like a beast.

"Taehyung?" You say breathing heavy.

"Yeah?" He says in your ear.

"Can I?" You says in a light whisper.

He leans down and lightly touches his lips against yours. You brush your fingers through his soft luscious hair. His hand glides from your stomach in between the crease of your breast.

He starts kissing your neck and lightly biting at your skin.

Your body felt like it was melting. It felt like you were singing deep within the mattress. His touch was dangerous.

You tightly pull at his back, "Taehyung.." You try to say something but his lips reach lower and lower on your body.

He reaches the lining of your panties, but before he can go further the door opens and Namjoon walks in."Ugh.... Am I interrupting something here?" He says with his eye brow raised.

You push Taehyung off of you. And hide your body under the covers.

Taehyung quickly gets off the bed and puts his clothes on.

"No of course not." You say with a smile on your face.

"Uh huh sure. We have to talk," he gives you a serious look.

You nod your head, knowing your in trouble. He looks at Taehyung, "Taehyung all of the guys are going to the restaurant, you should probably start heading that way."

"Uh, yeah okay." He says and leaves the room.

"Sooo." Namjoon says as he sits on the edge of the bed. "You've chosen? I mean Taehyung is a good guy, for the most part. He hasn't been around for many years. He has room for improvement. But I'm kinda shocked that you easily gave into him."

You feel the tears fall down your face."I don't know what you want from me Namjoon! I don't even know him,at least I'm sure I dont.
But some how it feels like I've know him forever. It's like my heart feels something different from my mind. Im having trouble knowing which one to trust."
He opens his arms and you lean into them and cry.
"I'm sorry. I love all of you boys with every drop of love I have but, for some reason whatever it is I feel for Taehyung, its different." You sigh,"For a very long time I've felt like I've been missing something. And when I saw him yesterday at the store. I don't know how to explain it. And when I kissed him, it felt like I'd kissed him before. Its hard to explain."

"You don't have to say it. I understand, you were always in love with Taehyung since grade school, middle and high school, this doesn't surprise me." he says sighing. "You haven't seen him im so long. It really shocks me that your mind forgot him but your heart didn't."

What? You were always in love with him? "What the hell do you mean? I don't know him? How have I always been in love with him?" You say super confused.

"It's not like you'd remember since the car accident you were in back in high school. It took alot of your memories. We worked hard to get you to remember us and remember things we knew were important to you. But Taehyung ran away. He left you to suffer alone. Now he thinks he can just have you like nothing has changed." He rolls his eyes.

"Namjoon please explain." You ask  squeezing his hand tightly. "Im really confused."

"Well as you know it's been 6 years since the accident. It was the night of senior prom, you and Taehyung got into that accident together. He was taking you home and a drunk driver hit your side of the car. It rolled 3 times. You were unconscious for 5 days. Your parents were going crazy, and worried as hell that you wouldn't wake up. Taehyung was by your side everyday til you woke up.
On the day you woke up, you forgot who you were. You forget your name, your age, your parents, and even what year it was. You forget everything, even Taehyung. That crushed him. He believed you'd forget him forever, so he ran away. Instead of trying day by day to make you fall back in love with him, he left you alone to suffer. We worked hard to make you happy and smile. We worked hard to help you remember. But we knew that we could never make you feel like he did. We knew one day he'd decide to come back and pretend nothing happened. In other words you've always been in love with Taehyung.."

In that moment you realize you can finally put a face to the all the memories that felt like pointless puzzle pieces to your past.

"So what you're saying is that Taehyung is my ex boyfriend? Where has he been all this time?"

"Yeah I guess you can say he's your ex boyfriend. I'm not sure things ever really eneded between you guys. As you could tell from the events earlier. We aren't really sure where he went.. he just showed up one day. It was kind of a shock. We've made sure you didn't run into him by accident, per his request. But now hes finally ready to mend the past. In my opinion, I think he was a pussy for leaving you to suffer alone. I knew he got banged up but he didn't go through as much as you did."

You could feel your heart twist and the tears begin to roll down your face."I... I..."

"Don't let it get to you. Its all in the past. I know this is new information to you but dont let this bother you to much. What matters is that your okay and that you've been okay, and that your happy but we have to leave. The others are waiting for us" He says squeezing you into a tight hug. "Here this is from Jin he's been waiting to give this gift to you, so hurry up. I'll be waiting in the living room." He gets up from the bed and walks out of the room.

Now you finally have answers to your unanswered questions. Kim Taehyung is your missing piece..

You're heart ached for Namjoon. That must have been really hard for him to say. Then you think about how each one of the boys has been suffering. How could they put a smile on their face time after time. How did they do it for 6 years. How did you not notice?

You pushed your ear up against the door and could hear his quiet sobs. You did this to him.  Made him sad. Made him cry.  And all without knowing.

Walking over to the bed, you open up the gift Jin gave you.  There was a tight Navy blue cocktail dress, and a shoe box with gold bedazzled heels. It was gorgeous. 

A few moments later there was a knock at the door. "You ready?"

Opening the door you answer,"Yes,"Looking at him you could see his jaw drop to his knees."What?"

"You look great" he says with his face turing pink.

"Haha thank you." You smiled and walked out to the car. 

As you both got in the car you realized that You already broke your promise with the boys.

The Reddest Rose In The Bouquet {BTS Taehyung FanFiction} ‼️ EDITING PROCESS ‼️Where stories live. Discover now