Chapter 2| Damien

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Still screaming, I snatch the glass full of water and throw it. It splashes onto the demon, soaking his hair, shirt and face. The Rosary Beads are in his lap, and water drips from his eyelashes and nose. He blinks, then starts to shake and scream.

I watch, eyes wide as the demon falls back, his shirt riding up and showing off his flat, pale stomach as he continually shakes.

"It's burns!" He shrieks, "how could you?! Oh how it burns!"

My screams have died down, and I'm just watching him shake, my mouth hanging open. His screams are loud and ear piercing, and every time he unleashes one I flinch. Then suddenly, the screams turn into laughter.

"Oh God! I can't pretend anymore!" He splutters between bursts of laughter.

"Pretend?" I ask, finally finding my voice.

"You think that was Holy Water?" He says, still giggling as he pushes his wet hair back off of his face.

As he continues to giggle, I get the chance to take in his appearance.

His skin is clear and as white as fresh snow. As he laughs, I can see that his teeth are slightly pointed and that his tongue is grey. His hair is darker than coal. His attire is a black, loose sweater than falls off his shoulder and tight fitting black jeans. He's wearing black combat boots, and his fingernails are painted black. Around his neck is a thin chain with a pentagram on it. The best thing about him, is his eyes. Illuminating, bright red eyes that ringed with black. They're framed with dark eye lashes, and his whole dark look make his eyes stand out.

I can't stop staring at him.

He's so good to look at.

He's so.. Hot.


I don't think I've ever used that adjective to describe someone before. I didn't even use it to describe Estella. She is beautiful, but she has nothing on this demon.

"I know that's not how you make Holy Water." I tell him, crossing my arms. "I just wanted to be safe."

The demon sits up, his legs dangling off the edge of my bed, the Rosary Beads in his hands. "So you tried a Ouija Board? Doesn't exactly sound safe."

"I meant that I wanted to be safe if anything turned up." I tell him. Then I ask, "how come you can hold the beads?"

"Magic." He answers, dropping the beads onto the floor. "Also, anything? So I'm a thing to you?" He snaps, crossing his arms.

"I.. Um.. I'm extremely sorry if I offended-"

"I'm joking." He says, smirking.

At the smirk displayed on his features, and his glistening eyes I feel my heart beat faster.

"Are you scared? I can hear your heart." The boy stands up on my bed, and jumps into the air. I watch amazed as he floats aimlessly in the air, coming to a stop in front of me. He floats casually on his stomach, his face close to mine and his arms almost crossed.

"Slightly." I half lie, placing my shaky hand on his shoulder and pushing him back. "But I'm trying to keep calm."

"I can clearly see that." He says, nodding towards my shaking hands. "And are you British?"

"Why yes, I am!" I say, smiling happily at him noticing my true nationality.

"Why do you sound so happy? I've been to England, it really isn't much to be happy about." He mumbles the last part. I hear it, but don't comment on it.

"Everyone at school calls me French." I tell him, and he stops floating, dropping to the ground in front of me.

"I know a guy who's French, everyone calls him British." He says, smirking again.

Ouija (COMPLETED)(South Park) {DamienxPip}Where stories live. Discover now