Chapter 10| Ouija Board

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"I've fallen for you.." As soon as the words leave my mouth, we settle into a silence.

Damien's eyes are shunning, his cheeks dark grey and his lips slightly parted. He's just staring. But not at me, he seems to be staring through me. He's stunned, clearly. I bring my fingertips to my lips and touch the burn on my bottom lip. It stings as I touch it.

I thought I would feel sparks.

I didn't. I got burnt.

"Damien?" I whisper, finally breaking the stunned silence between us.

"I'm speechless.. I really am." He says, his voice soft, gentle. As if he spoke any differently he would hurt me.

I take a deep breath, and with hopeful eyes stare at Damien, waiting for his response. Damien seems to be thinking, thinking hard about what he's going to say.

It's awkward. Tense. My palms sweat, my hearts thumps loudly and my eyes shine. My breathing is slow. Damien looks like he isn't breathing at all.

Then, he looks at me. Not through me, at me. His eyes are dark, his mouth set into a thin line.

"Pip.. This is really difficult to say.." He begins, and my heart falls. I look down, but don't stop him from speaking. He takes a deep breath, and I feel his hand on my shoulder. "I can't be with you."

At the words, I look up, my eyes meeting his. "Can't, or won't?" I ask, feeling my eyes sting.

"Physically can't. I can't feel what you are feeling Pip." Damien's voice is full of despair.

"But.. Al the things you've done.." I think of everything, and the sadness that has started to weigh down on me slowly turns to something else. Something negative. Anger. "You pushed me against a locker. You kissed my neck. You called me cute, hugged me, wanted to play that stupid game with me." I keep my voice low, and slowly feel my fists clench.

"It.." Damien looks down, sheepishly. "Was so you would.. Do things for me."

"Excuse me?" My nails dig into my palms, but the anger slowly building inside me blocks out any pain.

"It's how I've been raised Pip! I'm a demon, what did you expect from me?" Damien's voice rises, and I flinch.

"I don't know what I expected." I mumble, and Damien sighs.

"Pip, I'm ashamed of what I've done." He starts, reaching out for me. I move back, keeping my gaze set on him.

"You should be!" I snap, glaring. "You used me! Is that how you treat all of your friends?!"

"I've never had friends!" Damien says, his eyes bright.

"Neither have I, but I would never do any of the things you did." I feel betrayed. I thought Damien was a true friend. Now I've found out he's been using me! Using me to get what he wanted!

It hurts. I want to curl up and cry, but I won't. I won't allow myself to be weak. I'll fight back my tears, express my sadness in anger. I grab Damien by the arm.

"Pip! You're hurting me!" He gasps, attempting to tug away from me as I drag him towards my bedroom door. I keep my iron grip, my nails digging into his arm. I throw him out of my room, and he stumbles. "Pip pl-"

I slam the door in his face. I slam the door so hard, that my shelves rattles and a pile of books falls over. The anger takes over me, and I scream loudly, tugging at my hair.

Breathing heavily, I kick over a separate pile of books and they clatter to the ground. I pick up one of those books, and throw it as hard as I can at my wall. The corner of the novel slams into my wall with a loud bang. It falls to the floor with a thud. The spine of the book is completely broken, the corner dented.

I scream and pull my bed covers off of my bed, causing anything on top of the bed to clatter to the floor. I then slam into my wardrobe, and lean against it. It tilts back at my weight, and then falls back into its right position. Something slides off of the wardrobe, and clatters to the floor. The Ouija Board.

I ignore it, and slide down to the floor, bringing my knees up to my chest.

My room is turned upside down, and I look away from the mess. I stare at my knees, and try to calm my breathing. Beside me, the piece on the board keeps moving, but I take no notice.

"Pip? I heard the crashing, are you okay?" That voice! I feel my self shake in anger as I slowly look up.


Just his stupid voice! It makes me angry, I don't want to see him. I stare at him, my gaze hard.

"Get. Out." I say through clenched teeth, Damien doesn't move. I say the words again, he stays standing. I jump up from my sitting spot, and shove him. He stumbles back, trips over one of my books and doesn't say a word.

I tower over him, and he looks up at me from the floor.

"I mean it Damien." I hiss, "get out."

When he doesn't move, I grab him once again. I haul him up, and push him towards my bedroom door. He slams against it, and flinches. Yet, he still doesn't speak. He just stares at me, with eyes filled with guilt.

I open my door, and push him out. Once again, I slam the door in his face. This caused a glass to shake, and fall off of my window bottom. I growl, as it smashes, exploding into tiny little pieces. Then, I ram my fist into the wall.

The anger drowns out any pain from the impact, and I feel the skin on my knuckles splitting open. I bring my fist back just as Damien appears beside me. There's a dent in the wall, small amounts of my blood around it.

"Pip!" Damien gasps, and attempts to grab my bleeding hand. I jerk away from him, my hands once again clenching into fists.

"WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET AWAY FROM YOU?!" I scream, my heart pounding against my rib cage. Damien flinches at my tone, but keeps his expression steady.

Then, from the corner of my eye I spot the Ouija Board.

"Please Pip, listen to me.." As Damien speaks, I watch as the piece moves on the board. Damien's words then echo in my mind

If you ever say Goodbye, or break the board I'll disappear back into hell and you won't be able to summon me again

I rush towards the board, pushing Damien in the process and kneel down beside it. I pick it up, and the piece stops moving as Damien stops talking. I look at him, fear is written clearly on his face.

"Pip, what are you doing?" Damien says, slowly walking towards me.

I look up at Damien, clutching the board tightly. I stand up, still clutching the board, and stare at Damien with emotionless eyes.

"I'm getting rid of you." I say, my voice flat.

With anger, sadness, pain and betrayal running through my veins I lift the board high above my head, and smash it against the corner of my wardrobe. With a sickening crack, it snaps. Splinters of wood fly everywhere, the moving piece falls to the ground. Then, I drop the board. It lands on the floor with a dull thud, and so does Damien.

I watch as Damien falls to the floor, his expression filled with hurt, his eyes asking for forgiveness. His hands fly to his head, and he clutches it clearly in pain. Then slowly, his vanishes.

With Damien gone, the anger washes away. What replaces it, is an endless void of pain. I take a shaky breath and walk towards my bed. I sit down on the corner, staring at my book shelf. Then, I spot the bear.


She's leant against the shelf, her head dropped as if she's crying. Slowly, I drop off of my bed, and crawl towards the lonely bear. I pick it up, and hold it, bringing my knees up to my chest.

With the only price of Damien I have left, I let everything go and cry.


So I hope you enjoyed Ouija! Ha ha ha..

Not everything can have a happy ending, but at least the journey to this point was fun!

I want to thank you all for over 350 votes! And as always, I'd love to know what you guys thought about this story!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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Ouija (COMPLETED)(South Park) {DamienxPip}Where stories live. Discover now