Chapter 4| School

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Damien and I leave the house and set off to school. I have no idea why Damien would actually want to come to school with me, but he's been pretty persistent on being there. It's a cold day, and snow is slowly falling from the blue sky in small flakes. A lot of it lands in Damien's hair as we walk, and it stands out magnificently against the harsh blackness of his hair. It also makes him look amazing, especially when flecks of it land on his eyelashes. It makes him look like some kind of fairy tail snow prince, and it also makes my stomach flutter. He shakes it head, making the snow fly off and onto the ground.

We've walked about half of the way in complete silence. It's not especially awkward, it's just quiet as Damien takes in his new surroundings. After a few more seconds, I become tired of the silence between us, and decide to speak.

"I see that you're floating."

"I see that too." He says back, looking down at his feet which are hovering about an inch off of the ground. "Is there something wrong with that fact?"

"Oh no! I wasn't being rude, I hope you didn't think I was." I say, shaking my head. "It's just.." I think of a way to phrase it without being rude. "Can others not see you?"

Damien crosses his arms, and shakes his head. "Only if I want them too. You can see me because you are the one who summoned me, not that I don't want you to see me," at those words, Damien winks at me and I blush, "but I can easily make it that no one else can see me. Also, when someone or something gets close enough to me, they would also disappear. For example," as quick as a blink, Damien grabs my wrists and pulls me against him, in the air.

I squeak in surprise, and he holds me against his chest. He then whispers in my ear.

"Right now, no one can see you." His breath is unusually cold on my neck, and I shiver. I quickly feel my cheeks heating up, and I feel myself leaning into his hold. Much like his breath, his embrace is cold and uninviting. Everything about Damien seems to be cold, but I can't help myself from liking it. It's strange and different, and it makes me like Damien even more. It also makes me wonder if he can feel temperature. If he knows that he feels cold.

Unfortunately, he lets go of me. A part of me longs for Damien to hold me again, but another part tells me that if I don't move now, I'll be late for school. As I have never been late in my whole entire life, that part is stronger than the other.

"Damien, come on or I'll be late for school." I tell him, and I walk ahead. Damien floats behind me.


The rest of the walk was normal. We once again walked in silence, but it was nice. While we were silent, it had me think of a few more questions to ask Damien. For example, ones about his body heat, or lack of it.

When I arrive in school, everyone is already in their friendship groups and are talking. The Cheerleaders are discussing new routines, Stan's group is having an argument. Then there's Craig's gang, but it seems to be missing Token and Nicole. I make my way towards my locker and put in the combination, opening it up. I grab the books I need, and, with a little struggle, place them into my bag. While I'm doing all of this, Damien is floating beside me and is watching people. His blood red eyes go from Stan's group, to Craig's gang to the Cheerleaders and back to me.

"How interesting." He says to himself. I stand by my locker and fiddle with a loose string on my jumper. "People are all in different groups. In Hell, people have groups like these too. Is school quite like hell?"

Instead of speaking normally, I mumble a yes as a reply. I don't mean to sound rude, especially towards Damien, but if I talked normally I would look like I have something wrong with me. They can't see Damien, and it would seem that I was talking to myself.

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