Will she sink or swim?

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Asking Alexandria had came on about 15 minutes ago, and already I was sweating and jumping around like a lunatic- but who cares! It’s Asking Alexandria we are talking about here!

Alice and I were right at the front. We were at the right hand side of the stage. I picked the right hand side on purpose, due to the fact that I’ve watched enough videos to know that’s were Ben always stands.

They start to play ‘ Not The American Average’ and I instantly sing along. Then Bens part comes. As soon as he starts to sing I feel goosebumps.

He’s so fucking perfect

When he sings he looks straight at me and smiles, I go vibrant red and look at the ground once again. When its over he continues to head bang perfectly to the song. 

They then sing Morte et Dabo, Breathless, Alerion + The Final Episode, Closure, Reckless and Relentless and then Someone somewhere. After dancing like crazy and shouting at Alice for screaming at Danny and putting him off, We get pushed to the front of the stage because some crazy lunchtards have decided to mosh to ‘Someone, Somewhere’- out of all the songs- really guys!

Before we know it the concerts over and I’m waiting backstage for Ben. He comes out smirking at me. 

‘ Hi’ he says, massaging  a towel at his wet hair.

‘ Hey’ I wave, biting my lip at his perfect ness.

‘ How was the show?’ He asks me, handing his guitar to the technician.

Without thinking I blurt out ‘ It was fucking awesome mate!’ Then I go bright red and hesitate before laughing. I’m probably creeping him out, but he didn’t seem to mind. He laughed.

‘ Thanks love’ He says, kissing my cheek.

I look at him in the eyes. 

Okay, keep calm

Keep calm

Play it cool

So I smile at him and look down again

Oh yeah really cool.

He is staring at me and smiling.

‘You’re so fucking beautiful’ I hear him mumble under his breath. Then he looks straight at me shocked, expecting me to shout at him. I smile.

‘Thanks, you too’ 

He seems relieved, and he comes closer to me, too close actually. I swear if anyone came this close to me I would ninja kick them till they fell in pain, but its Ben Bruce here. I don’t mind at all

He looks into my eyes and smiles, he looks down at my lips, debating wheater to kiss me or not. Then he does. As soon as or lips touch, its like a spark wining us together. I felt Goosebumps up my arms and got butterflies in my stomach. After a few seconds we brake. He looks just as shocked as I am. I guess he felt it too. 

‘ Wow, you’re so-’ Before he could finish his manager came to him and told him he had to leave.

My stomach dropped. I didn’t want him to leave, I wanted to stay forever. But I knew that that’s impossible, after all- he’s a rockstar.

I begin to walk off, looking upset and making an utter fool of myself. 

‘Hey! Were are you going!’ He shouts at me, running

I turn around in shock, I guess I mean more than I expected.

‘ Can’t I have your number?’ He asks, grinning.

He hands me a pen and I write my number on his hand. He does the same to mine.

‘ Cool’ he says winking at me ‘ I’ve got to go now, I’ll call you later yeah?’

‘ Sure!’

‘ Bye!’ he says, walking off.

‘ Cheers!’ I shout back. He looks back at me and smiles, then continues to walk off.

I just made out with Ben Bruce and got his number.

I walk back to the drunk looking Alice. I drive her back, deciding to tell her in the morning, she’s too drunk to even keep her eyes open. I unlock her flat and put her too bed. 

I drive back home and get into my pyjamas. As I climb into bed and turn off the lights my phone calls. I sigh in frustration and grab the phone.

Who will be calling at 3 in the morning, I then look at the text lighting my phone . I get butterflies in my stomach and smile.

It’s Ben.

Miles away ( A Ben Bruce love story)Where stories live. Discover now