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Opening Mr.Rush's unlocked door was easy. Finding the matches? Not so much.

But Shawn and I had absolutely no time to loose, so we searched every cabinet in Mr.Rush's office, hoping to find the small box.

"Nothing in this one." Shawn tells me, referring to one of the drawers in Mr.Rush's desk. I nod my head but don't reply, too busy checking one of the cabinets. The one thing Shawn and I had to make sure we did is make sure that everything was back in its place, because if there was one slightly open folder on his desk, then he wouldn't doubt for a second someone was in here. And it wouldn't take him too long to figure out who either.

As I shut the cabinet with absolutely no luck so far in finding the matches and start to get back up from my seated position, I notice something strange in the corner of the wallpaper.

"Shawn." I whisper, and he turns to look at me. I wave him over, signaling for him to come here. When he does, I point to the wallpaper, showing him there was something wrong with it. The pattern had cut off and changed.

"Well, we need a key." Shawn states bluntly, and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"A key?" I ask, confused on why he would say that. However, my thoughts were dismissed when Shawn puts his hand on the bottom corner of the wall paper and traces it, now clearly showing me the figure of a keyhole. Oh.

"See any keys lately?" I ask him, and he smiles smugly at me.

"In fact, I have." He says, and walks over to Mr.Rush's desk, then opening a drawer and pulling out a black key, with the bottom looking like a button.

"Hm, not strange at all," I say.

Shawn smirks and crouches down next to me, then putting the key in the keyhole and unlocking it.

Well then, a small door in a wall that can only be unlocked by a black key with a button. Yeah, either this is a huge coincidence, or Mr.Rush is actually a huge fan of Coraline and trying to become his role model, Other Mother.

When it's finally unlocked and Shawn pulls it open, my eyes widen in shock. There were so many matchboxes I didn't know if I could count them all even if I was trapped in Hotel Midnight forever.

Without hesitation, I grab one of the boxes, then watch as Shawn locks it and puts the key back. I shove the matchbox deep into my pocket and look around the room briefly to make sure I didn't forget to shut anything, then grabbing Shawn's hand and getting out of that place.

Shawn slowly shuts the door to Mr.Rush's office once we're out, and I can't help but release a breath I didn't know I was holding. The fact that I went into Mr.Rush's office and made it out alive was amazing to me.

"So, next stop?" Shawn asks, and I realize we were still standing in front of the office.

"Now it's time for me to go get my bag." I say, and we both walk back to my room in silence. But it wasn't the awkward silence you'd want to get away from, I swear. It was pretty peaceful, and I was enjoying it after the absolutely thriller I had just been through.

Once we get to my room, I instantly pull the matchbox out and put it in the bag, then putting the bag on my back.

"So, how exactly are we going to get to floor Zero's entrance? Are we going to shut our eyes and open them to be in front of a door labeled floor Zero?" Shawn asks, and I shrug. As I open my mouth to answer, I'm interrupted by a scream.

Hotel Midnight // Shawn Mendes (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now