Day Eight: (Part Three) "Just a bit of fun."

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Sif sat patiently waiting, absentmindedly kicking her heels in the dusty gravel of the car park.
She wasn't exactly sure of how long she waited, nor did she know what to expect when the S.H.I.E.L.D agents arrived. She actually hoped that one of their aircrafts would appear in the sky above and land without any qualms in the middle of the heath, though she knew this seemed highly unlikely.

Eventually though after waiting for what felt like an eternity, a cherry red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette turned into the car park.
Instantly recognising the driver, Sif leaped to her feet and bounded over in order to greet him, rounding on him before he barely had chance to open the door.

Slipping on his sunglasses despite the overcast skies, agent Coulson regarded her warmly.
"Hello again, so am I to assume you never made it home, right?"
He remarked quizzically.

Not knowing where to begin, she shook her head dismissively,
"I'm afraid not. And now I urgently require your assistance..."
Looking passed him now, awaiting the arrival of further agents she shifted from one foot to another impatiently,
"...where are the others? Your men? Are they on route?"

Much to her dismay, the agent shook his head,
"I'm afraid not. You see, after we picked up on your presence here I suspected that maybe you've not been entirely honest with us."

Although she did her upmost to keep her expression steady and unreadable, it appeared she wasn't as adept to trickery as her new lover, and the guilt she felt, along with the alarm due to being found out, was clearly visible on her face. She could sense it just as he could see it.

"So...until I had the opportunity to question you personally, I thought discretion would be the best policy..."
He continued, his voice very matter-of-fact as usual,
"...obviously I have my team positioned at a nearby location, but firstly do you mind telling me what all this is about?"

Sucking her cheeks in, Sif did her best to stress the urgency of the situation, whilst attempting to omit certain details....namely the ones she found most awkward to explain. But Coulson was very perceptive, and a stickler for details.

"Loki is in danger, Lorelei has him...I've no idea where they are. But you must be able to track them somehow..."
She babbled, desperately trying not to squirm under his scrutinising eyes as he removed his shades in order to make eye contact.

"You found Loki, how?"

"He...he actually found me...but none of that is important now, we must hurry before she causes him any harm. She's dangerous-"

"I would've thought Loki would be more than capable of taking care of himself. Even Captain Rogers himself claims the guy packs a wallop.. and I've witnessed him in action more than once."
Phil pointed out, seeming non too concerned about the god of mischief's well being.

"You don't understand, Lorelei is able to control him now. She has found access to precious gems forged from the mind stone itself!"

"The same stone which was used to power Loki's sceptre during his attack on New York?"
He was walking around to the passenger side of the car now, whereby he opened the door for her to get in.

"Yes the very same. She must be stopped, and he must be rescued."
She replied, wasting no time in jumping into the classic automobile.

"How did you find out about these gems, and her mind-controlling Loki?"

"He, well he briefly explained the workings of them to me, and she abducted him as I was about to return him to Asgard."

"No kidding?"
He remarked, looking somewhat skeptical,
"You just found him and he surrendered without so much as a struggle?"

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