Day Eleven: (part two) A Lost Cause

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Loki and Sif were driven back to the bifrost site on Hampstead Heath in separate S.H.I.E.L.D SUV's.

Loki, wearing the wrist shackles that Sif had brought with her from Asgard which had been engraved with a runic enchantment in order to prevent him from being able to wield his sorcery. He also wore a collar, similar to that of Lorelei, fashioned in Asgardian design but provided by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Is the brutish muzzle absolutely necessary?'
He asked Natasha Romanoff when she came to his cell brandishing the restraints.
"I'm not Lorelei, I don't need silencing. I use my hands and mind for my magic, not words."

"Whether or not you need silencing is subject to opinion. But it's orders from above. Director Fury isn't taking any chances."

Loki huffed. He was beyond exasperated now.
"No of course he isn't. He always did strike me as the type who's too spineless to take a real risk."

Natasha hesitated, her interest piqued.
"And if someone were to take a risk, bearing in mind that you're the definition of a wild card, how would you repay them? By stabbing them in the back no doubt....possibly even quite literally."

Loki smirked at her crookedly, impaling her with his turquoise eyes.
"Ah, well that's all part of the risk isn't it? Taking the chance. That is what playing the wild card is all about."

The petite redhead shifted slightly, hoping he hadn't noticed her unease. His gaze was intrusive and it never failed to unsettle her even though she tried not to show it.
"Well, that's the problem. Trust has to be earned. If you want the right people to cut you some slack, you have to decide what you're going to do....fight on their side or betray them."

"Who I'm fighting for differs from moment to moment. You see, agent Romanoff.....I'm on my side. I fight for myself. By myself. That's the way it's always been."

Natasha threw him a pitying look as she replied poignantly.
"Hm. Sounds....lonely."

Loki was decidedly miffed, absolutely not wanting anyones pity, least of all hers, but he didn't have time to think of an adequate response as she proceeded to walk behind him, placing the collar in place over his mouth before clamping it shut at the back of his head.

The vehicle Loki was transported in also carried several heavily-armed agents on board.
It was plain to see that even bound in shackles, Director Fury certainly wasn't taking any chances where he was concerned.

Meanwhile Natasha and Phil rode with Sif, a journey which didn't take long in reality but felt like the longest expedition of her her life.
Her heart was heavy, her mind whirling with conflicting thoughts.
Above all else, her heart ached for Loki. She longed to just throw her arms around him, pull him close and kiss him like her life depended on it.
But she couldn't. Especially not with that irksome collar in the way.
Not that her pride would permit her to anyway.

As they reached the car park at the Heath, everyone piled out and began making their way to the bifrost site in procession.

"Remember what I said."
Natasha whispered under her breath, as she bid her farewell.
"If you find yourself back here for....whatever...reason, we will find you. So you'd better be cooperative."

Sif looked at the woman questioningly.
"Why would I not be cooperative?"

Natasha shot the shield maiden a knowing look.
"I know how persuasive your boyfriend can be. But I'll'd both better be cooperative."

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