Chapter 6

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William rode his bicycle down the dusty Indian road, his back aching with the weight of his backpack. He was riding home from the local library (if two hours away was considered local). His father, Dr. Bruce Banner, had insisted on moving miles away from civilization when he and his son returned to India. William had been born in India, he was half indian himself, but had lived in Nepal for the first nine years of his life due to an... accident.

William could not wait to get home and read the book he had taken out on Norse myths.

William reached the gate of his house. He dismounted his bike, opened the rope latch, and pushed his bike into the courtyard. He quietly walked passed some chickens and stepped into his house.

"Hey, William." Said his dad calmly. Bruce stepped out from behind a curtain and took off his reading glasses "Where've you been? Library?"

"Hi, Baba." William said "Yep. I couldn't find the next Narnia book though... But I got this!" He held up the Norse mythology book.

Bruce looked at the book. He opened his mouth to speak, but seemed to have difficulty finding his words.

"You know, I have plenty of books that you could read," he said, pointing at his bookshelves with his glasses "If you want."

"But those are all on physics and chemistry, Baba..." William said. The two of them had talked about this many times before. William wasn't interested in science and mathematics like his father was, but Bruce didn't understand why. They always tried to debate calmly though. It tended to get... problematic... when their conversations became heated.

"Can't I just start you off with quantum physics?" Bruce said "It's so simple..."

"Baba, I... I don't..." William stammered "I just don't think the way you do."

Bruce pursed his lips and looked at the ground. He tapped his glasses on his hand.

"Ok." He said "Enjoy your books."

"Thanks." William said. He took his books an pushed aside the curtain that lead to his room.

William knew he was disappointment to his father, but he didn't try to be stupid. He wished he could be smart like his dad, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. He was just an idiot... and a murderer, but none of that was his fault. William had to make an escape, and he did - the only way he knew how.

William opened his book.

He had never studied Norse mythology much, though was an expert on Greek myths, European legends, Indian folklore... Anything he could get from the library, but this was new to him. He read, and quickly developed favorite gods and stories. He was reading about Odin trading his right eye in exchange for True Wisdom, when he heard one of his favorite sounds - singing.

The housekeeper, Sahlila, came to the Banners' small house every afternoon to cook dinner, clean the house, and take care of the animals. She had been coming for the past 5 years, and always sang beautiful Indian songs as she worked. William loved to listen to her voice, and Sahlila loved to listen to him tell stories.

William picked up his book and went outside where he found Sahlila feeding the goats.

"How are you, William?" She said in Hindi, flashing a hesitant smile.

"I'm very good!" William responded, a bit confused by her timidness. "I got a book today on Norse mythology. I have to tell you some of these stories."

"I am sure." Said Sahlila quickly.

"Would you like me to tell you now?" Asked William, eyeing the woman suspiciously. She was usually much more welcoming, he noted, and she wasnt paying attention to her work either - she gave the goats far too much feed.

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