Chapter 9

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Charity sipped quietly at her chai, and looked across the table at her father. Phil looked back at her and smiled awkwardly Charity did the same, and nodded for no reason. She started doodling on her cup, attempting to look less uncomfortable. Phil looked out the window, trying to think of what to say.

Director Fury hadn't liked the idea of Phil taking his daughter to get coffee (or tea, as it turned out) but the agent didn't feel like the mess hall was an appropriate place to talk to his daughter for the first time. However, they weren't doing much 'talking' anyway.

"Is, uh..." Phil said, clearing his throat "Is your chi good?"

"Not really." Said Charity quietly, not looking up from her artwork "But my chai is great, thanks."

Phil looked lost, but nodded.

More awkward silence. The people passed in the streets outside, active in their normal lives. Charity had never felt like she had a normal life; most girls had dads when they were growing up. Dads who would take them for ice cream, or give them advice about boys. She had never had that.

"Charity," Phil said, suddenly speaking very seriously "I'm so sorry about what I did to you and your mom..."

"Sorry?" Charity said, thumping her cup down on the table "You're sorry."

"Sweetie, it wasn't my idea..." Phil said defensively.

"I don't care!" Charity said forcefully "You left us! Do you know what it's like to grow up without a dad?"

Phil pursed his lips and looked out the window.

"Yes." He said quietly.

Charity sighed and looked out the window as well.

"Dad," she said, still getting used to the word "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have-"

"No, you- have every right to be mad." Phil said "It wasn't fair to you... It wasn't fair to Abigail..." His voice trailed off as he thought about Charity's mother. His eyes dimmed as he stared out the window again.

"Mom-" Charity said "She still thinks you're dead?"

Phil nodded, still looking away. He missed Abigail very much, Charity could tell.

More silence. More people-watching.

"So, why me?" Charity asked "Why am I here? You weren't one of the - Avengers, right? - And I don't have any 'powers', so...?"

Phil was quiet.

"Well?" Charity insisted.

"You're a creative thinker - out-of-the-box, if you will." He responded "S.H.I.E.L.D. has been watching you for a long time, and most of us agreed you would be a valuable asset to the team."

"Wait," Charity said "Watching me?"

Phil laughed silently.

"All of you." He said "Except William and Einmyria - they were a bit more difficult to track."

"I just don't understand..." Charity said, thinking of all the facts being thrown at her.

"Everything will be explained." He said "There's a debriefing packet in your room for when we get back to the helicarrier."

"My floating prison." Said Charity, picking up her cup to draw more.

Phil wanted to explain everything to her, but he knew he had said too much already. If was hard, dealing with his daughter - He'd had the same problem with Abigail years ago. It was so easy to slip when you're talking to someone you dearly love...

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