Chapter 11

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"Do you honestly think now is the time to be making jokes?!" Pepper said, waving a hand in frustration.

"Um, last time I checked, jokes made people happy." Tony said sarcastically, sitting on Pepper's white sofa "And I think we both need a little happy right now."

"I won't be happy until my children are safe!" Pepper fumed. She started pasing the room, but gave up and sat down stiffly in the furthest chair away from Tony.

"Our." He corrected "Our children. You took biology- you know there has to be a guy involved in baby-making." He paused "Well, in most cases..."

"Fine. 'Our' children." Pepper said "But I want them back, Tony! Can't you do something?"

He hesitated for a moment and looked away from his ex.

"I'm sure the police have it under control." He said.

"Oh, right. And everyone knows how much you trust the government." Pepper said, standing up again.

"Didn't someone say something about this not being the time to be making jokes?" Tony squinted one eye like he was trying to remember who had said that.

"Oh, so your going to insult me now?"

"Why not? You insult me often enough."

"Oh yeah? Like when?"

"Like my parenting skills, for example."

"Because you're a terrible father!"

"And you're so much better?"

"Yes I am!"

"The kids hate you!"

"The kids hate you, too!"

"I know!"

"And I hate you!"

"I know!"

There was a silence. The two looked at each other furiously and breathing heavily, but Pepper's angry glare melted and her lip started quivering.

"Oh, Tony..." She said, putting her hands over her face "What are we going to do?" She fell into his arms and cried as he smoothed her hair calmingly.

He was about to reply, when the two heard a knock - a really loud knock - from the the door. Pepper stood upright,

adjusted her blazer and, sniffling back her tears, went to answer it. Tony was amazed at how fast she could hide her emotions - something he had never been able to do without laughing it off. People don't notice how depressed you are when you're smiling.

"My Lady Pepper." Greeted Thor solemnly when she opened the door. His helmet was dented, his cape was torn, and his expression was serious. Behind him, Loki bowed slightly - bearing the same amount of battle damage.

"Tony...?" Pepper said, turning her head but keeping eyes on the two battered Asgardians standing outside the elevator.

"Thor?" Stark said, coming to the door "What are you... What is HE doing here?" Tony nodded to Loki.

"My daughter has gone missing, Man of Iron," Thor said "As well as my nephew.

Loki and I have braved two realms thus far in our quest for them, but we have not had any success."

"Oh my god," Pepper said with sympathy, fear, and confusion all mixed in her voice "Our kids are missing too!"

Loki looked up quickly and his brow furrowed.

"Then they could have the same captor..." He mused, a hundred possible schemes suddenly flowed through his mind "Please, tell us everything you know."

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