Don't Trust Anyone.

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Don't Trust Anyone. Not even if you believe that they would ever do something bad, cause they are such a good person who cares so much. Everyone is not always as they appear to be. Here's the story of a good friend i had, who i now hate. 

      I'm not going to say any names because I'm not trying to attack anyone. I'm simply telling a story to prove a point and warn everyone else out there. So, we'll give him a fake name. His fake name will be Alex in this. 

      So, me and "Alex" dated two times. For literally only 3 days each time, if that. It was a stupid,dumb,middle school date. Nothing serious. At first, he appeared to be the nicest guy, and was a good friend to me and everyone else around him. But then, i started to notice when he got mad, he got really mad. He would say really harsh things and then the next day act like he didn't remember saying any of it. 

      Honestly, I knew him for 2 years, and he emotionally abused me a lot. Sometimes, i would blame myself. I thought it was me, maybe i did something wrong. But in reality, I never did. It was always him.

    So, this next part happened literally a couple nights ago. He started randomly getting in a fight with me. He told me that if i stuck around him that he would take advantage of me someday. He also said all he has tried to do is sexual things with me and one of my best friends. He said a lot more that i would rather not discuss, but that is what happened besides dumb dramatic details.

    I just hate being betrayed by people, you know? There is one thing i got out of this though. Not to keep anyone around who treats me like that, no matter how much i care about them or how "sorry" they say they are, because trust me, they aren't. This is not the only experience i have had like this. Not the same thing exactly, but similar situations. 

    I just wanted to post this to get things off my mind, so thanks for reading once again. I love you all so much for the kindness and support that all of you give me with the stories i tell on here. I hope that this story specifically maybe made you more aware of who you are around and who you trust, because we really can't truly trust anyone these days. 

     Thank you guys for the messages and posts on my wall. I try to get back to everyone and as soon as i can. <3 <3

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