Things have been fucking crazy

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Okay so Luke and Russell got into a fight. I saw it, and Russell even hit me. He told me to go commit suicide and that he pretended to be my friend this whole time. fucking wow is all I have to say to that. A little quick word of advice, but careful who you trust, because things are not always as they seem. This has been a terrible week overall. Idk if Russell is expellled or not, but thats what some people are saying. Luke was suspended for 3 days, but he comes back monday. If Rusell is only suspended and ends up coming back, its going to be fucking hell. But besides that, lets just say I hate my parents. I basicallly havent been getting any sleep bc of what has been going on, but my parents think it was bc of my phone, and hell no its not. they make me put my phone in the living room to charge by 9:15 every night now. .-.

But anyways I'm about to leave class sooo.. I gtg... Talk to you guys later I guess...

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