Another Life Update.

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Wow, I really am bad at this updating stuff. Sorry, again. I've been busy with school,family,high school drama. You know, the usual. Okay so let's get started on an update of what my life has been like the past about 2 months.

        So, me and Honor, she was mentioned in my last post, are no longer friends. I don't know what happened honestly. She randomly blocked me on instagram over christmas break. We weren't fighting, she didn't message me and tell me why, or even tell me when we got back to school after break. It sucks, but I am okay. People come and go, it's all apart of life.

       My friend Trisha and I are in a really bad fight now. She has been my best friend since the 7th grade, when I started making this blog. I'm not going to go into detail about what our fight is over, its nothing super bad, but I'm not sure if me and her will be friends much longer. I love her so much, I really do, I just have a bad feeling about our friendship not lasting too much longer.

      Chris. You have probably been wondering where that has gone since I talked about him in my last post. I still have feelings for him, I always will. I just don't know anymore. He will text me for like 3 days straight and everything is going great, and then he won't text me for weeks and the only time we talk is in history class, if we even do then. He hangs out with his friend Jake a lot, who is gay. Sometimes I wonder if he is gay too. 

   There is always that one person you will always have feelings for. Sometimes the feelings will "go away" for a little bit and then come back later on. But, feelings that came back are feelings that never left. That's how I feel about Trenton. I am not sure if I have mentioned him in this blog before, But I'm sure that I have. He was the only REAL relationship and boyfriend that I've had before. He was the first person I ever truly loved. Now, my feelings for him are "back". But like I said, feelings that come back are feelings that never left. I told him how I feel and he was nice about it, we have history and we are still very good friends, he is always there for me when I need someone to talk to. 

   Well now that I've talked about all my feelings and friendship problems going on in my life lately, I wanna talk to you guys about how I'm trying out for my schools soccer team! That's right, ME trying out for the soccer team. I used to play soccer back in my elementary and middle school days but I haven't since then. I'm going to train EXTRA hard and go to almost all of the conditioning over summer. Fingers crossed that I make the team!

   I'm also getting a job this summer. Well, It's going to start a few months before school is out, which is a good thing because then I am able to get more money. Also, I can get my temps here soon! (I said February in my last post, but I meant to say March lol) Which is very exciting. With the money I make from my job I'm going to save up for a car, college, and to buy my own place when I turn 18. Speaking of college, I am going to be a therapist. I wanna help people the same way I try on here and how people have helped me in the past. But until then, you know that my inbox on here is always open for you guys! :)

     Well, that's all I've got for this blog post. I'm not gonna promise that I'll do weekly, monthly, or even yearly updates because I can never live up to that.(I obviously post more than once a year though,haha.) But until next time when I have free-time and shit on my mind, Have a great life you guys, stay happy. :) xoxo

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