Just A Quick Update

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So, Everything has been pretty good lately. havent went to school all week because we had a snow day every day. so basically a snow week haha. but ugh i had to clean around the house and do that kinda shit. but i got to play my fav game of all time (Resident Evil 4) for an entire one of the days so its all good. My mom did threaten me though... idk if i should tell my school councelor or not. her exact words were "Chrissy I sware, I'm going to slap you so hard, you make me so ughhh!" and idek what to do. she never actually hit me but it was a threat. any advice on what I should do? I could really use it because i just dont know what to even do about it. thanks. Besides that, things have been okay i guess. could be better though. Me and my bf Luke are almost 5 months together on the 24th. (we are not counting the breakup since it was only like literally a day) and we are very happy together. I am most certain he has not lied to me this time round. Our relationship got stronger because of it and I'm happy. I'm going into high school next year, and I want to stay in this, now mature, i think, relationship. It's clear that we both love each other very much and I dont think anything could change that. and I understand theres gonna be the little simple middle school crushes but i understand, It's apart of growing up. He's been a lot more open with me which I am proud of and I want to be the girlfriend he can talk to and be open to if he doesnt like me doing something or talking to someone. I want it to be that kind of relationship, and I believe that it's slowly convering into that. as for how friendships are going, not so good. In real life at school that is. I love my online friends. Russell is basically like my brother, he would do anything for me and I would do anything for him, we may not be family by blood, but we are defintley family. Snow is my best online friend right now and I plan on meeting her and living with her one day. Shes my bestest friend ever. but for the update of frienships at school, Addison is my guy best friend and thats really it. I mean i'm going to the Gerard Way concert with and old friend Oliva and im sure that'll be fun.Everyone at school has been calling me an attention seeker and attention whore. it's been getting to me a bit.... But I'll be fine. Well thats just an update on how my lifes been. Lol im at my grandmas house on her computer, thats how i was able to update. thank you guys so much for the 400+ reads on this btw! cx

P.S. If you guys wanna be friends, follow me on twitter. my twitter is: @bands_and_mcr

just tweet me saying that you've read my blog on wattpad and I'll follow and message you back! c:

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