Chapter 12

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I woke up in a hospital, I groaned as no one was in here with me...not even Leila I was so confused where am I...well I know I'm in a hospital but where? I saw TJ come in as he looked at me his eyes were blood shot. "Where am i?" "They had to fly you back to the hospital, Gabby just had your baby brother." I nodded as I put my hand that didn't have an IV in it through my hair. I just sat there as TJ sat next to me as he hugged me, "I'm so glad your back...the doctor said that you would be in a coma." I looked at him. "What..." "you got beat up pretty bad Craig thought you were going to die because you stopped breathing twice. And your heart stopped once." I nodded. "I've always had a bad heart." I said as he looked at me. "Why didn't you tell us?" "Because I was supposed to have heart sugery but the foster home always told me not to tell anyone." I said softly as he hugged me. "God don't ever do that again." He whispered. "Are you on the list?" I heard someone say as I looked up to see the doctor. "Since I was born." I said as he made a face. "what? You haven't had surgery yet?" "Nope the list is really long." He nodded. "Is your father around?" "Uhm could you not tell him yet? I need to talk to him first..." he nodded as TJ got up. "I'll get him."

I nodded as I sat there I looked at all the bruises on my body, I saw dad come in as I looked at my hands. "What's wrong Hailee?" "I have something to tell you." I said quietly as he looked at me. "What? What's going on?" I saw Leila come in, I started crying. "I don't want Leila to hear this." I cried as TJ picked up Leila and left the room. "What's wrong?" Dad asked sitting on the bed. "My heart...I've always had a bad heart, and my heart could give away any time I never had my heart surgery that I needed." I said as I looked at dad as he had tears running down his face. "Why didn't you tell me when we adopted you?" "Because the people who run the foster home told me not to tell anyone because they wanted to get rid of me." He got upset as the doctor came in. "Alright well we found a heart that matches you." I nodded as I looked at the doctor. "We can do the surgery in a couple days." I nodded as dad looked at me. "Can see go see her baby brother?" he nodded. "Can I put on actual clothes?" "Yeah." The doctor said as dad handed me clothes. I looked at him confused. "In case you woke up." he said as I nodded. I went into the bathroom, went washed my hands than changed into my Get Scared tank top and my Nike Hyper Elite Woman's Basketball shorts. When I left the room I got my Raspberry Camo pony woman's' classic TOMS.

We headed to mom's room as we got there everyone looked at me as I smiled sadly. I got to hold my little brother for a while before dad held him I took a picture of dad n' him as I took another picture of Leila holding him as mom got him dad whispered. "You have to tell them." I looked at him. "No...please don't make me." I said really quietly. "They have to know." Dad and I bickered for a while till mom said. "What's going on?" I looked up and at everyone. "I'm getting heart surgery in a couple days." Mom put the baby in the thing (I have no idea what it's called.) "What?" she said as I looked at my hands. "I've had heart issues for a very long time since I was born...I never got surgery because the foster home hated me and I suffered for a long time in and out of the hospital and if you guys hate me I'm okay with it." I said as they all looked at me as I got up I just fell right to the floor and passed out.


"TJ go get the doctor!" I yelled as he ran out of the room I made sure she was still breathing as the doctor and nurses took her away from us. God please don't let Hailee die on us! I thought as Leila ran over to me as I hugged her as she started crying. Gabby looked like she wanted to cry she did a little but I carried Leila over to the waiting room she fell asleep as the doctor came out. "We'll be doing the sugury ealier than later." I looked at him. "What happen?" "Her heart got stressed out and quit on her. We'll be doing the sugery tonight." I nodded as he said. "I'll have the nurse go to your wife's room to keep you updated." I nodded as I went back into Gabby's room as she looked at me. "What's happening?" "She's going to be having sugary tonight." She nodded as Max and everyone came in. "She okay?" "She's going to have sugary tonight and the nurse will be coming in here to keep us all updated." They all nodded as I rubbed my hand over my face as I heard Leila say, "Am I gonna lose sissy?" "No sweetie..." I trailed off as I hugged her. A nurse came in and smiled at us. "Your daughter is fine right now we are just prepping her for sugary." We nodded as Leila asked. "Can I see my sissy?" "Of course." The nurse said as everyone got up Gabby got a wheel chair as he held our baby boy in her arms as we went to go see her. "Why is this happening now?" Gabby asked softly as the nurse told us. "We've been hoping she'd ask for the sugary for a very...very long time but her foster home always ruled over her." We nodded. "So you knew her real parents?" "Yeah they were drug addicts they didn't want the baby but they didn't believe in abortion." I nodded as Leila held my hand.

"Since then her birth mom is now clean as has 2 kids and her father died of an over dose." I shook my head as I just kept praying she would be okay...

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