Part Three: Periods

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None. Absolutely none.

Okay, well fine maybe not always because some trans people may want children but I, a person who is pretty sure he has endometriosis, I'd rather take a walk with the devil than have another period.

Nobody likes a steady stream of blood coming out of a vagina, even if it isn't their own. Anything that bleeds for almost a full week and doesn't die- A) shouldn't be trusted, B) is probably practicing sorcery to not die, and C) is devil spawn. Maybe I took it too far, but you get the point.

And then when you're out anywhere as a transman you usually have to suck it up because no one expects you to bitch about period cramps or needing a tampon or something, like let's be real here, if your cisgender male friend suddenly spouted a vagina and was freaking out over his period you probably wouldn't take him too seriously. I have to worry about these things more than I should, being pre-t and all.
Still though, I miss the days I could get out of anything by saying I was on my period, but honestly being openly transgender makes the good outweigh those insignificant things.

Have a good day though babes.

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