Chapter Seven

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The music from the boy's rehearsal room teases me every day now as I leave acting class or head into rehearsal.

I try not to let the incident with Styles bother me as I instead focus on memorizing my lines and blocking for The Glass Menagerie. We've had a few rehearsals since the first read through and I already admire everyone in the cast. They're each focused and experienced in different ways, and it makes getting things done at rehearsals a lot easier.

After one particular rehearsal I am startled when I feel Nat suddenly wrap an arm around my shoulder as I'm packing up my bag.

"Hey there," she says, causing me to raise a brow. "You hungry?"

I'm starving actually, which causes me to nod at her question.

"Care for a late night bite?" she asks.

I look down at my watch and see that time is currently eight minutes until ten, causing me to shrug.

"Why not?" I say. "I don't have class until eleven tomorrow anyway."

Fifteen minutes later Nat and I are sitting at a Village Inn and I've already drank three fourths of my water before the waitress can take our order.

Once we've ordered, both Nat and I fall silent and it's then that I begin to realize that there's something that she wants to talk to me about. I can tell by the way she's now leaning forward in her seat and resting her arms on the table.

"So," she says, furthering my belief.

"What it is?" I ask, now finishing my water.

"Liam keeps asking about you," she finally states, causing me to almost knock over my glass of just ice.

However, I manage to remain at ease and instead just clear my throat.

"Has he?" I ask.

"Yeah, and from what I understand, he'd be interested in asking you out on a date," she tells me.

The word date flashes endlessly through my mind, causing my heart to race in my chest.

"But we only met once," I insist.

"Once is all it took," Nat says with a laugh.

"But how is that possible?" I ask, shaking my head.

"Well, let's see. You're pretty, kind, and obviously talented, so he fancies you," she explains. "Not that hard to understand."

I give her playful glare before shaking my head once more.

"But the only time we've interacted I was arguing with Styles. I wasn't exactly at my prime," I continue.

"He actually loved that. Styles can be a dick. No, not can be, he is a dick. So Liam appreciates a girl who can put Styles in his place," Nat says.

"But-" I try, but she cuts me off.

"Olivia, stop coming up with excuses and accept the fact that the boy likes you! He wants to ask you out! All I'm interested in knowing is if you would like to go out with him too," she says.

I chew at my bottom lip as I take in her words.

Liam wants to ask me out? I know Nat just provided evidence as to why he would even be interested in me in the first place, but I'm still blown away. I mean, he's from England! He could have a cute English girl and maybe some day have cute English babies. But instead he's interested in some American girl from Colorado who got cast in a simple community college show? How is that even possible?

Still, I think back to when I met Liam. How he was very good looking, played the bass like he had been doing it since birth, and he was obviously a gentleman. He was the first to introduce himself and the first one to defend me against Styles' endless ridicule.

I have to admit I liked that too, but the question is if I like him.

There really is a simple solution how to find that out.

"Hello? Earth to Olivia," Nat begins.

"Yes," I finally say.

"Yes what?" she asks.

"Yes, I would be interested in going out with Liam."

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