Chapter Sixteen

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He didn't leave because of me, right?

He couldn't have.

He was probably just getting tired of sitting on the floor or the loud music coming from the speaker just behind where his head had been.

But he didn't leave because of the was just a coincidence.

It had to have been a coincidence.

Because why would he have left just from seeing Liam and myself kiss?

My eyes are fixed on a certain part of the living room carpet as my mind continues to go around in circles. Each new thought makes my temples begin to ache before I'm able to smooth away the idea with my own reassurance.

However, the process only repeats again as thoughts reappear, but stronger.

I can't stop replaying the events before Styles' departure and wondering if I had caused him to leave the room or not. But I figure that if Styles knew I was thinking this much about his actions that he would say, "Don't give yourself that much credit."

And Nat would say, "That's just Styles being Styles."

And yet.

"I don't feel so well," the words leave my mouth before I can catch them.

"Are you okay?" Nat asks, and I can hear the concern in her voice.

I pull my eyes away from the spot on the carpet I had been staring at and I can now also see the concern on her face.

"Yeah, I think I just need some fresh air," I say as I begin to stand up from my seat.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Liam asks, but I quickly shake my head.

"Oh, no. You stay and enjoy the party. I'll only be a few minutes. I think it's just because it's stuffy in here. Be back," I say.

I give Nat a reassuring nod, which eases her concern, before I head towards the front door.

I saw Styles go in the direction of the back door when he left, so I figure going out the front would be a better option. I don't want it to look like I'm following him or something.

Finally making it outside, I walk to the edge of the front porch and grip the wood railing with slightly clammy hands. I now begin to stare at a specific spot on the grass as I focus on the rise and fall of my own chest.

It's much easier to unwind my thoughts with the cool night air now coating my skin and the music only muffled through the house's walls.

There are a few other guests out here with me, but they're off sitting in the grass or standing in the driveway as they have their own conversations.

I gaze up at the stars, noting how little there seems to be due to all the lights in the neighborhood. It almost makes me want to get into my car and drive out towards the country where I'll be able to see stars as far as my eyes can reach.

"You okay?" A voice asks and I suddenly jump.

My eyes lower from the sky and I turn to look at a taller figure occupying the space next to me. Slowly, I can make out his face in the porch light, almost feeling like the boy next to me looks somewhat familiar.

I then realize he asked me a question.

"Oh, yeah. Just needed a breather from the party," I tell him.

I figure that will be enough to send him on his way and to once again be left alone with my stars.

But it's not.

Instead, he chooses to be friendly.

"I know what you mean. It gets kind of hot in there with all those bodies and stuff," he says.

I give him a quick laugh. "Yeah."

"I've seen you around campus," he tells me, leaning against the railing and causing it to shake underneath my hands.

"Have you?" I ask.

"Yeah. How could I not notice you? You're super hot," he tells me.

And I want to tell him that he's super forward.

But instead I say, "Thank you."

"You gotta boyfriend?" he asks, taking a step towards me.

Now I can also smell the alcohol that coats his breath and clothes.

"Kind of," I squeak, trying to take a step back.

However, his hand suddenly grabs around my forearm and I find that I'm instead being pulled towards him.

"Sounds like I'll just have to steal you away then, baby," the guy says.

Bile. I can feel bile creeping up throat that is replacing a scream. My body feels frozen, which is only infuriating as my mind goes a hundred miles per hour.

What was that personal defense move my Aunt Amy taught me during my junior year of high school? The one where you somehow end up breaking the guy's wrist...or maybe it was that you hit his junk instead.

I can feel my time running out as the guy's head suddenly leans in towards me own, likely en route for my own mouth. I try to push him away, but I'm not even remotely strong enough as his grip remains tight and now painful against my skin.

And then suddenly, his grip is gone as he's being pulled backward and towards the ground.

My eyes are wide as I stare at him sprawled out on the floor of the porch, looking almost as confused as I am.

However, Styles' voice provides us both with answers as his hand remains on the guy's shoulder.

"I think you need to keep walking, baby," Styles says practically through his teeth in the guy's ear. His tone almost makes me shiver, causing me to now wrap my arms around myself.

"What the hell, Styles?" the guys asks, violently shrugging Styles' hand off his shoulder. "Why don't you just fuck off?"

Styles sighs, quickly rolling his eyes as he's now yanking the guys up by his arm. He does it with such ease that I almost can't believe I couldn't push away the same guy moments earlier.

"You should really be thanking me, mate," Styles says, now pulling the guy towards the stairs to the porch. "I'm helping you not make the sexual predator list for the state of Colorado. I'd say I'm practically a hero."

Before the guy can react, Styles pushes him down the stairs and the guy wobbles down all four steps before losing his balance in the grass.

"Now bugger off," Styles orders.

Somehow my eyes grow wider at his voice, feeling the power behind his words.

And it appears that the other guy does too as he only curses under her breath. He gets up and shakes his head as he makes his way towards the street, not even trying to fight with Styles any further.

Which I agree is a smart move.

When I can no longer hear the guy cursing, the night air becomes silent between Styles and myself as he doesn't look at me. His eyes are focused in the direction that the guy walked off while mine are against the side of his face.

"I-" I begin, but he silences me once more when his eyes slide of to me.

"Are you hurt?" he asks, taking a step towards me, but then quickly stops himself.

I shake my head.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

I swallow hard, but then manage to nod.

Then he nods.

"Good. Then let's just act like this never happened."

Then he's gone. Down the steps of the porch and walking off towards the street.

His hands are in their usual spots in his pockets and his shoulders are almost hunched as he goes.

I watch him the entire time as he moves down the street and disappears into the night.

And he doesn't look back. Not even once. 

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