Chapter Fifty-Two

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The next day I return to rehearsal and I swear Daniel is on the verge of tears when he sees me. I give him an apologetic smile, feeling guilty that both Styles and myself have put him through so much trouble this semester.

"Happy to have you back nice and healthy," he tells me, giving me a small hug.

Then we don't waste any more time as Daniel gets rehearsal up and running. We're meant to do full run throughs from now until opening night, which brings a wave of excitement and anxiety to the cast. However, Daniel gives us a few words of wisdom, with a little help from Gideon, and then we're all determined to kick some serious butt.

Getting back on track in rehearsal is only a slight challenge, but I'm thankful for Styles and Nat who help guide me through the first few numbers. However, by the fourth song in I'm completely at ease and feeling as though I've picked up right where I've left off.

Then the only main challenge is Liam's presence in the room. Apparently, Styles and Liam have found their peace, which means that they're just ignoring one another and choosing not to discuss the night at Nat's. I've decided to follow Styles' lead and also act as though Liam doesn't exist, which isn't hard as Liam usually keeps to himself during most of our rehearsals.

Instead, I stay wrapped up in our rehearsals, trying to throw everything I have into Veronica Sawyer, which isn't hard when I'm playing opposite Styles. Every time we have a scene together all I can focus on is him and he makes the world around us melt away. Even when we're meant to have tension between our characters I just want to ignore it all and kiss him endlessly. However, our chance only really comes when we run 'Dead Girl Walking.' I can now safely confirm that the actions that occur between Veronica and JD in that scene are purely Styles and myself, but then again, haven't they always been? And each time we get done running that number I always notice how Liam looks away or simply shakes his head, all while Nat runs over and says, "This is the greatest form of revenge I've ever seen."

However, Styles and I have made a point to keep our blooming relationship to ourselves. We talk at rehearsal and take any private moment to brush our hands against the other's, but we try to be professional for the sake of the show. And maybe even for the sake of Liam. Because while he was right about Styles and myself, and he did cheat on me, Styles and I don't feel the need to rub our real life romance in his face.

We do take advantage of our after rehearsal moments, though. Those usually consist of us making out in Styles' car for at least an hour after rehearsal until we both agree we should head home to get some sleep.

On the first night following tech week, Styles leads me over to his car and tells me he wants to take me somewhere.

When I ask him where we're going he just smiles at me and tells me to get in. However, as soon as we start driving I know exactly where he's headed and it causes me to reach for his hand, give it a small squeeze, and hold onto it for the entire rest of the drive.

We pull over to the side of the road and simultaneously get out of the car as we look up at the sky. The stars stretch out endlessly over us, twinkling in select different places in order to attract our eyes.

Without a single word, we both slide onto the hood of his car and sit there for a moment. Then Styles lays back and I turn to look at him, which prompts him to gesture for me to join him. I lay back as well, but this time we're not just side by side. Instead, Styles pulls me to him and I lay head on his chest while his arm wraps around my shoulders. We remain in silence as we continue to look up at the sky and then we both let out a rush of air as a shooting star flashes through the dark.

"Make a wish," he whispers to me.

So I do.

Then I ask, "What did you wish for?"

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