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Hey there! It's Emma (or, as most of you know me, tangles-) communicating with you from beyond the page. Thank you so much for checking out my story! 

In case you clicked on this story by accident and don't know what's going on (it happens), the story you clicked on is "A Guide to Being Super." Like all good stories, it has many things: action, romance, family drama, friendships, (loose) morals, and (of course) superheroes. Now that everyone's caught up on what's going on (and hopefully already hooked and ready to read this story in its entirety), let's get onto the introduction!

If you've read any of my other stories (props to you if you have, double props if you've read ALL of them), you know that I don't usually do introductions. JTH sort of has one but the rest don't really have a formal thing. So I'm just trying this out to see how it works (aren't you guys lucky that you get to be a part of this).

TBH, I don't really have that much to say to you guys other than "welcome!" and "thanks for checking out this story!". All I really want to do is give you guys some basic information about this story so we don't have to worry about it later. AKA, you guys won't comment about it a million times and I won't have to answer the same question a million times. It's your basic win-win. Here's everything you need to know about this story (as of now), in a convenient FAQ style format:

What's your updating schedule for this story?: Once a week on Wednesdays

Will there be updates other than on that day?: Probably not. I'm hoping to never update late (I have this whole writing schedule so I stay ahead) and I don't like to update early. That just means that readers have to wait longer for the next update. Plus, because of my writing schedule if I update early, I lose time to write future updates.

What happens if we comment "UPDATE" or ask for an update in any rude way?: Because of the number of times I've been asked to update in the past, all in rude ways, I no longer tolerate that in my comment section. So I apologize but if you bother me about updating, you will be blocked. I'm telling you this now so I won't ever have to do that.

But aren't we allowed to comment our opinions?: Of course! I love hearing your opinions! My one rule is that you always have to be polite. As long as you're polite, we will never have a problem.

How many chapters will this story have?: 22, including an epilogue (meaning there will be 21 chapters and an epilogue).

How long will the story run?: Until December 14th, 2016.

Okay, that's all I needed to say! I hope I covered everything you guys needed to know. Now the story can begin...

 Now the story can begin

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P.S. The trailer for this story is above! It was made for me by the lovely 

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