Awkward Tamaki

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Part 2 has arrived! I am so sorry friends... It has been too long since I got back to this. I appreciate the positive feedback I got on Part 1 and I hope to put out more pieces to the story much faster now. I hope you enjoy Part 2! :)


After being shell-shocked by Kyoya's response, it was harder for Tamaki to act normal. The whole ordeal had confused him considerably. Kyoya had acted out of character and something in himself had shivered when they'd kissed. Now he couldn't stop replaying both scenes in his head... He'd try to focus in class and his thoughts would wander to memories of their kiss. The way he'd leaned over him, his breath tickling his skin. The warmth of his hand when he pulled him to the wall. The way his soft lips had caressed his, pausing tantalizingly above his for a moment when the kiss had broken. The way those lips, so close, yet so far, had smirked, sending a thrill through him.


Tamaki snapped out of it, flushing as he stumbled through a response to the teacher. His bottom lip was sore from where he'd been biting it...

Damn that Suoh... Kyoya thought, watching Tamaki's flustered face. He'd been off the whole rest of the week, casting sidelong glances at the boy in the glasses and spacing out considerably more then normal. He seemed hardly present anymore.. Of course he couldn't just act normal. What had he expected?

Kyoya had tried to act as if nothing had happened, but it was clear that wouldn't work. Tamaki would either angrily ignore him and walk away or get so flustered that he'd sprint from the room, claiming he had some where to be. It didn't help that watching him day dream stirred that odd feeling in Kyoya again... He shoved it down.

Things would be fine, this probably just needed some space. When classes let out today they wouldn't have to see each other again until Monday. Maybe things would be better then... Kyoya had high hopes for it since they would have a few days away and then their fast food event. He knew Tamaki was really looking forward to that.

The bell rang and Tamaki shot out of his chair, declaring his need to be somewhere. So it's one of those days. Kyoya sighed. He slowly gathered his stuff, then left for his next class as well. In the hallway, he greeted Mori and Honey as they passed each other. However, today Mori stopped him. The crowds bustled past them like a river around a broken tree limb.

"What's the matter?" Kyoya asked.

"Talk to Suoh."

"Whatever do you mean?" Mori gave him a pointed look.

"Tama-chan's not acting the same. We hope maybe you can help him get back to himself." Honey chimed in.

Kyoya smiled bitterly. "I don't know that I can help this time."

"Did you two have a fight?" Honey asked.

"You could say that."

"Well then talking is all the better!" Honey smiled happily, oblivious to the turmoil he was causing in Kyoya. "We've got to go now. Please talk to him Kyo-chan!"

Kyoya watched them walk down the hall, stifling back frustration and sadness. Honey was right. He had to talk to him. Even if he didn't know what he was going to say. Tamaki was practically unbearable like this... His usual antics would be a dream come true at this point. But it would have to wait until after their event.

He turned then and headed down the hall to his next class. The bell rang on his way, signaling he was tardy.


Figuring he was already late, he headed to the restroom. As he reached for the door handle, the door flew open, cracking him in the head. He drew back with a hiss and turned to lash out, ready to tell off whoever had been so careless. But in the doorway, was Tamaki.

Kyoya saw emotion after emotion flash across his face. Surprise, guilt, recognition, shock, and panic. He mumbled an apology and tried to bolt.

"Alright, enough of this." Kyoya grabbed his arm and dragged him back into the bathroom. "We have to talk."

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