Coming Clean

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"Two vanilla ice creams please." Haruhi said, handing the man her money. They were at a park a little ways off from the school. Once she had the ice cream cones in hand, she made her way over to the park bench Kyoya was sitting on.

"While I detest the germ infested seats, I appreciate the thought Haruhi."

"A thank you would suffice..." She grumbled, handing him one of the cones and taking a seat. "So tell me about what's happening Kyoya."

He bit into the top of the cone, silence prevailing while he thought. He wouldn't look her in the eye as he spoke. "I kissed Tamaki."

"Already?!" Haruhi exclaimed. At Kyoya's startled look, she explained: "I'm sorry, I just didn't know you guys had progressed that much. I thought it was just a mutual crush."

"I didn't think it was even that. But last Thursday when we were walking out together... Something came over me. I kissed him and started this whole mess..."

"Well, why'd you kiss him?"

"That's the problem." He sighed, leaning back. "I don't know."

Haruhi licked at her ice cream thoughtfully. She watched as Kyoya fidgeted with his, biting into it again. Who the heck bites into ice cream???

"What were you thinking right before you kissed him? Did anything come to mind?"

"It was right after we'd helped Ms. Mako through her heartbreak. He had that smile again, and the light had framed him perfectly. It was like a scene from a movie. Before I knew it, I was acting."

They grew quiet, both lost in their thoughts. As they reached the cones of their ice cream, Haruhi asked the question that hung between them.

"Do you think maybe you've had feelings for Tamaki that you hadn't recognized yet? And that this was the result of that pent up emotion?"

Kyoya was silent, threw his ice cream into the trash, then put his head in his hands.

"That, Haruhi, is the question I've been trying to avoid."

"But why? You heard what everyone said, the guys will support you. I'm pretty sure Tamaki likes you back. Heck, you could probably even make it work with the guest-"

"That's not what I'm concerned about. Haruhi, I have been trying to surpass my brother's legacies for years. I have to be better, stronger, smarter, wittier-"

"And you can't do that with someone you love by your side?"

"If my father knew, I doubt I'd have any claim left to the company. Everything I've been working toward, gone. It's too controversial. You don't want that as the face of a big corporation, it's too risky."

Haruhi opened her mouth to speak, but stopped. She wanted to be indignant, but that wasn't her place. This was something Kyoya had valued for years. She wanted to tell him to forget it, that he could do better. But he had to decide that for himself. So instead, she put a hand on his arm to comfort him.

"I don't know what to do Haruhi. I want to run to him. But this...this could be social suicide. Maybe you don't understand, being a commoner, but the bastard son dating the disowned son of prestigious families certainly isn't going to look good on resumes."

"Kyoya...May I say something?" He nodded. "I won't tell you to ignore all this. I can see that it's important to you, and I think it should be taken seriously. But have you considered talking to Tamaki about all this? He understands the situation a little more."

Kyoya sighed, pulling away from Haruhi's touch. "He won't understand. He's always dealt with this, it's nothing new to him. And he's so airheaded and romantic that he wouldn't take it seriously."

"He's more grounded then you're giving him credit for. And if you try to talk to him and he won't take it seriously, that tells you what you need to know. This matters to you. If he can't take it seriously, then this wouldn't work out anyways." She smiled at him. "It's worth a try at least, right?"

Kyoya looked at her for a moment before rubbing his face and nodding. "Ok. You make a fair point. I'll talk to him."

"Great! I'll get everyone out of the club room a littler early tomorrow so you guys can have some space." Haruhi popped up off the park bench.

"Wait, tomorrow?!"

"Yea! No sense in putting it off." Haruhi chuckled. "Shall we go then? I've got some homework to finish."

Kyoya stood up hesitantly, brushing off his pants. "Alright Haruhi. But if this goes south, you will owe me."

"As if I don't already..." Haruhi joked sarcastically.


Hey guys! Sorry I'm slow to update....Life is so busy... This chapter is a little shorter because I wanted to focus on Kyoya's fears more than the cutesy fluff stuff (although fluff is AWESOME ^-^). I always pictured Kyoya as the type of guy that would bite into icecream (*winces*). Next chapter: THE FINAL CONFRONTATION lol I don't know what will resolve from their talk yet, but it'll be interesting. Maybe a confession...? See you in the next chapter!

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