thirty six

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thirty six—

jimin sat by himself in dance practice. everyone had left to a different class so they could practice without him for the day. jimin just wasn't feeling it today, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of everyone because today wasn't his day. the dance instructor was suspicious of him because he would be alone and could possibly do something, but jimin managed to convince her that he wouldn't do anything stupid. that he wasn't that type of guy either.

so here he sat, off to the side in the corner. in an empty room with no one else to accompany him.

to most, they would wonder why he remained there by himself not doing a thing. but to him, it was simply his way of avoiding his large dance group when he wasn't feeling himself. and when he was out of it like so, it was best to be as alone and out as he could. thus he would continue to sit there until he had to go.

"jimin, are you in here?" a harsh whisper was voiced into the air. jimin lifted his eyes to the door and saw jungkook poking his head inside searching for him.

"yeah," he said. jungkook moved his head to look in his direction and smiled with relief when he saw him. he came over and sat down directly in front of him. jimin raised a brow. something about his demeanor made him wonder what he was about to say.

"jimin," jungkook spoke clearly. he had a deadpan look as his expression now, and to the older male it was the most odd. so jimin sat up and tilted his head to the side, the way he said im listening.

"hm?" he hummed in response.

"let's escape."

as soon as the words left his mouth and jimin's brain plucked them from the air for reading as if the daily paper, his facial expression had changed completely. his jaw hung open and his brows were raised.

jungkook's face murmured all he needed to know. he was being entirely serious.

"w-what?" jimin gasped. what a shocking turn of events for him. from the lonely sitting alone to the hearing of an idea that screamed trouble.

"let's escape this prison," jungkook spoke again, this time with an articulate touch to make himself clear. jungkook leaned back, supporting his torso weight with his arms. dark eyes searching in jimin's own jets for the answer. jimin didn't give him one by looking away and shaking his head. right hand pushed through black locks, out of habit and when needing to express himself.

"you aren't joking around are you?" jimin breathed, astounded at the sudden idea. it wasn't that the idea sounded absurd. because it did. it was crazy. insane. they'd get caught for sure. but it was promising, and sounded like something that could potentially get them out of this literal prison. jungkook's mouth turned up into an understanding curve and he laughed as if someone had sung a joke at the right time.

"no im not." jungkook mused. "im being honest, do you want to? do you want to get out of here and live like you wanted to do so desperately?" jimin stared at him some more, only this time his doubts were ebbing away.

"yes! yes... maybe a little yeah. i want to get out. but do you really think we could do that?" jimin's doubts were back just like that. he needed absolute clarification that jungkook was sure he, they, would and could do this. one-hundred percent.

"jimin," jungkook reached forward and set his hands on jimins shoulders as if to ease his worries. "remember exactly who i am. what you so desperately wanted to do." jimin did exactly that. remembering jungkook was the wardens son and he had been practically raised on these grounds as they were built. he knew every hole, crack and crevice. every turn and route.

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