Safe and Sound

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I saw Jinx! Rolo has Jinx captive!

"Guys?! Hello?! Can anyone hear me?!"

"Lance, what's going on?" Shiro asked through the helmet.

"Well, I'm tied to a tree-"


"-and I saw Jinx tied up! Rolo kidnapped her and she doesn't have her weapon! AND HE TOOK MY LION!" I screamed.

"He. . .what?"

Shiro sounds scary, why's his voice so dark?!

"God damnit. . .God damnit! I should've known! He lays one hand on her and I'll. . .I'll. . .ugh! Let's go! Now!"

Shiro, protecting his girl!

Okay, just one problem, um. . .WHO'S GONNA UNTIE ME?!


"Hey Nyma, go to the other room please, I need to talk to Jinx alone," Rolo smirked and she went to somewhere else in the ship before he stooped down to my level.

"The hell do you want?!" I spat at him, which earned me a slap across the face and I growled.



"You see Jinx, with you having Zarkons blood pumping through your veins, and your beauty-"

"Wait, hold up, I'm not related to Zarkon, my father was the original Black Paladin to the Black Lion-"

"He was the original Black Paladin, no ones told you because they were afraid that you'd go back and defend the only family member you have left, see, the bloodline ends at you," He showed me as the screen popped up my bloodline and. . .he's right.

My father is Lord Zarkon?!


"Frustrating, I know, but Zarkon has offered a big reward for your 'rescue' since he thinks you were captured and didn't betray him, and he also said at all costs, at any cost, and you're very beautiful so-"

"Lay one hand on me and you'll be in pain," I growled and he moved his hand towards the back of my outfit.

"I said don't touch me!"

He scattered back onto his seat with a horrified look, he was. . .scared!

Was that. . .me?!

I looked around frantically for a mirror and gasped, my eyes were yellow like a Galra's, and Zarkon is a Galra.



I started crying and crying, all my life no ones told me who the Black Paladin was and now that I know, I hate it-!

"What are ya' gonna do? Cry-!"

"I will rip your throat out if you don't shut up!"

That IS me!

Let me just. . .make sure.

make sure

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"! God damnit! Let me out! LET ME OUT!" I screamed as tears ran down my face at a rapid pace.

Someone help me, please.

"Get on the blasters, we're going to take him out," Rolo told Nyma.


What's going on?!

"Hey, what's going on?!" I asked, surprisingly my voice is back to normal.

"You're boyfriends here to save you and frankly-aah! He's not happy!"

"I don't have a boyfriend!" I shouted.

"Shiro? Ring a bell-argh!"


Suddenly, a large claw noise was heard and I smirked, then the lions appeared in front of the ship.

Shiro, he really did come back!

Now, stop crying!

They stopped the ship and Rolo turned to me with a smirk.

"Well, atleast I can get a kiss before you go," He grabbed me by my shoulders and started to lean in, but I leaned back to avoid it.


"That's for Jinx"


I looked to the ground and find an unconscious Rolo, I giggled as Keith untied me and I jumped into Shiro's arm's.

"Jinx-wait, are you. . .crying?" He asked.

"I was so terrified! He tried to touch me! I thought since. . .since you were so mad at me that you wouldn't come back," I sobbed, afraid and scared as he hugged me back.

"No one will touch you, okay? You're safe and sound as long as you're with me."

(Time skipz)

I sat there in the castle couch, my head down and tears were still fresh.

"Jinx, you're safe-" I cut off Shiro as he came in.

"You know what I had said back there? When Sendak came?" I asked, wiping the tears away.

"No, what did you say?" He asked, I looked up at him as he sat down next to me.

"That I. . .I. . ."

Say it damnit!

Tell him you love him!

"That I will always care about you."


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