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"Hey Mom, when are you and Dad going to be home from the concert tonight?"

"Around eleven Kate, JOHN! Are you almost ready?"


"Okay, so Paula, Kate's bedtime is nine-thirty and her swim lesson starts at 4:30 and ends at 6, We should be home around eleven, Got it?'

"Yes Mrs. Talcen, I will contact you in case of emergency, this is like the tenth time you given me this talk, I am your regular babysitter."

"Right, Here is our cell phone numbers and have fun."

"Bye Kate"

Both of her parents kissed her on the check and hugged her. This would be the last time that Kate would see her biological parents.

-------------LATER THAT NIGHT--------------

"Where are Mr. and Mrs. Talcen?" thought Paula, "They should've been home hours ago" that's when Paula heard a doorknock, and two police officers stood at the door.

"Is this the home of John and Darla Talcen?"

Paula paused "yeeesssssss"

"We are unfortunate to tell you that they have been involved in a car crash this evening and are in surgery at the hospital"

Paula's eyes widened and was speechless "okay what am I supposed to do I am only their babysitter they have an two year old sleeping right now and what am I supposed to do!"

"Madam, please remain calm, we talked to some neighbors before who can take her so you can go home"

"Which neighbors?"

"The Davidson's, they have a son her age should be a good fit, they agreed to take her to hospital tomorrow morning ."

"Okay I will go wake her up, Thank You"

The next morning Kate and the Davidson's went to the hospital only to be given the news that both of her parents had passed away. Weeks later the funerals had been held and the agency came and picked her up and sent her off the the orphanage. Where years later her life was going to change forever.

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