Chapter 2: Welcome Home

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The next day Kate was very nervous about going home with Dan and Jemma. Though she was excited to be with people who she knew would love her and treat her well. All the sudden Kate heard a familiar "Hello" and it came from Dan. She walked over to them and gave Dan both a big hug.

"You almost ready Kate?" Dan asked.

"Almost? I am ready. Where's your wife? Jemma is it?" she said.

"Yes Jemma is her name, She is at our house she is feeling a little poorly."

"Oh okay, can you please carry my bags they're a little heavy."

"Sure my lady, it would be my honor." Dan said with a huge smile, while Kate laughed.

Kate said goodbye to he other girls at the orphanage, and hopped into Dan's car it was fairly silent in the car until Dan finally said something to make conversation.

"So, do you participate in any sports?"

"I'm a swimmer."

"What are your special strokes?"

"I'm mainly a breaststroker and a freestyler. I am usually a sprinter unless coach signs me up for long distance, but I kinda do like the long distance stuff."

They continued to talk, until they pulled up to the house.

"Man this house is so pretty and big." Kate commented.

"Yes it actually is a big house, I mean for 3 people and 2 pugs. Anyways I'll grab your bags and open up the door."

When Dan opened the door, right away there were the two pugs waiting for him.

"Kate this is Ellie and Darcie. Ellie's the oldest and Darcie is younger."

"Man they are sooo cute, cuter than the photos you showed me."

Meanwhile the pugs were quite confused. They started smelling all of Kate's belongings and Kate herself and following her around like they were already best friends.

"Alright I'll show you to your room." Dan said.

"I would like that, Thank you Dan."

Kate then proceeded to followed Dan upstairs into a spare room.

"Here is your room, we will decorate it soon, me and Jemma didn't know what you would like so we figured that you can help out. It is your room after all."

"Yeah I would really like that, I would finally get my dream room."

"Alright, you are welcome to unpack and explore around the place if you want to. I will be in my office which is the first right door when you head up the stairs from the first floor."

Kate looked around, she still couldn't believe that she was in the Middleton house. It all felt like a dream that Kate even pinched herself to make sure she was not dreaming. After unpacking she got up and explored a bit. She loved the huge yard that the house had because once she got used to the pugs she could play with them in the yard.

She eventually made her way to Dan's office walking in to see a bunch of fanart all over the walls, recording equipment, a kettle, and Dan. He was sitting down and editing the latest video. She watched from afar for a while without Dan realizing she was there. She wanted to say that she settled in okay and was wondering what he was doing but she got to anxious to do so. Then Dan got up and walked over to the door where she was hiding behind.

"Ohh!" Dan said with a manly scream.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you Dan, I was just looking around, man you have quite the setup here."

"Yeah, you want to see all the magic that I put into videos? After I get Jemma some more tea for her cold" he asked.

"Sure" Kate replied.

Kate sat down in the chair that Dan used to record video and just looked around for a few minutes. Realizing that Dan was a bigger celebrity than she realized. She had never heard of him before the girls at the orphanage had said who he was, but still she had no idea what types of videos he made were, and a few minutes later Dan walked back in.

Kate finally spoke.

"So what type of videos do you make?"

Dan looked at her and smiled.

"Ever heard of the game Minecraft?" He asked.

Kate shook her head no.

"Well you have a lot to learn, if you want to learn about the game."

"I actually would like to learn, I heard of the game but never played it."

Dan smiled and said "Well let's start learning right now."

Dan then started to teach Kate all about Minecraft and how to play. To say it was a great bonding moment between the two.

*Note from the author*

Hey everyone hope everyone enjoyed this part I will start working on making these parts longer and putting them out more often. Thanks for reading!


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