Chapter 2

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My eyes flicker open, and all I see are tiny stars and dots everywhere. I wait a while, letting my eyes adjust. Once I can see clearly, I slightly turn my head, trying to prevent pain. I see Harmony laying on the floor next to the corner of my mattress.

Crawling over to her, I notice she's got a deep gash on her wrist. Anger takes over me; why the fuck is she doing that again?

I rest her head on my lap and try to calm myself down, taking deep breaths. Her eyes are slightly open, I can tell she's just dizzy from all the blood loss. Her flesh is exposed and it continues to leak out blood.

Harmony is too beautiful to be doing this to herself, she has so much potential. She's reminds me so much of Mom, she looks exactly like her. She has her laugh, her voice, her eyes, everything. Harmony is all I have left of Mom, I can't lose her. My head begins to swirl and I feel woozy. The room is changing forms and colors, and all of a sudden I'm 8 years old again and my hands are dripping with Mom's blood.

"Take care of Harmony. Please. I love you girls."

"I will, Mommy, I will. I'll protect her." I whispered as I squeezed her hand.

"Mel? Is that you?"

I flinch at her voice. "Yeah it's me. Don't move okay? You look pale."

Harmony closes her eyes and a tear slides down her cheek. "I just want things to go back to how it used to be, that's all I want," she sobs into her hands.

"Hey careful, you'll deepen that cut of yours if you keep moving," I say sternly.

She moves her hands away from her face and looks at the cut on her wrist.

"Mel, this is not what it looks like I swear." Wincing, she sits up.

"Explain yourself."

Harmony wipes away a tear and says "Listen, Dad was the one to cut me. When you blacked out, he dragged us both to your room. He said he had enough and wanted me to die slowly. So he got the knife and cut as deep as he could."

I get even angrier; first his wife and now his youngest daughter? What the hell is his fucking problem?

"Why is he the way he is? I swear, sometimes I wish I could just-"

The devil slams the door open before I can finish.

"Which one of you cunts hit me across the head with this pan?!" He growls, gripping my weapon.

"Who else, jackass? I did." I snarl at him.

"Well you're coming with me," Father sneers.

He yanks me by my hair and drags me toward his room. I'm too weak to fight back, so I don't move. He kicks me aside to where his dresser is and I lay still on the floor.

"Hmm lets see. We used this one already," he says while picking up a bat "I don't want to wear you out now do I?" He grins and places the bat next to me. I know where this is going. It's not gonna happen this time. While he's picking out which toy to use on me, I try to reach for the bat. It's so close I can almost touch it. But once I finally get a finger on it, he blind folds me.

"We haven't used this in awhile" he says as he tightens it on my head. Great. Now I can't see anything. I can hear him rumbling through his toy box again. He's humming a little tune that makes me shiver. That little song means he's done picking out his toy. I quickly untie the blind fold, snatch the bat off the floor and get in my battle stance.

"I'm real tired of your bullshit," I say through my teeth, pointing the bat to his face.

"Listen, I- I know you must be mad b-but... this isn't the way to fix things, sweetheart," he stutters while backing up.

"Oh yes it is," I laugh.

I swing the bat and miss. He jumps onto the bed and grabs a lamp. I'm fucked. Its half my size with a pointy tip.

"We'll use this one next time," he says.

"There won't be a next time, you piece of shit."

He swings the lamp and a sharp pain goes through my body. I drop the bat and my hand goes straight to my hip. My hand is covered in blood and I get one of my flashbacks again.

"She never loved you. She never wanted you so stop crying like a little bitch" he said while trying to take me off of Mom's dead body.

This motherfucker deserves to die.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I pull the point out from my hip and slam his face with the back of the lamp. He tumbles off the bed onto the floor. I drop the lamp, grab the bat and limp over to him. I'm gonna let my inner demon take over. I hit him with every word I say.

"You," I slam the bat to his leg "Fucking," crack goes his rib "Liar!" I begin to beat every part of his disgusting body. All I can hear is his yells of pain but I don't stop. I enjoy hearing him cry. I want him to know how it feels. Nothing can stop me from trying to take this awful creature out of this world.

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