::.Friend A.::

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I'm Tsubaki and im your average teen. My life's been pretty boring , but a good boring . I know I have people in my life who are really there for me, people I can always count on. One of those people is friend A.

" hey kousei " I yell throwing a soft ball at him.
He nearly flips out his chair when he flinched. "oh hey tsubaki practice over already?" He asked. " yea " I said sitting at the desk next to him, I took one of his head phones out and put it in my ear. We sat together for a minute just listing to his play list, it was... Nice. " so have you thought about playing the piano again?" I asked. " no... Tsubaki you know I can't do that... " he explained. " yea I just thought maybe you should try again... I can even be right there with you!" I said tilting my head and smiling. He smiled at me and just kept working on his papers. " eww you guys look like a couple " Watari said jokingly as he walked in the room. I started to blush and I yelled " no we don't you dummy!" I looked at Kousei  and he was blushing too but just focused on his papers. " ha ha I'm just messing with you Tsubaki no need to get embarrassed" Watari said winking at me. I rolled my eyes and started talking about practice. Watari was talking about how hard he's practicing for end games and I've been working my butt off too. I hope it pays off in the end.  " so Kousei  what are you going to be to doing. I really think you   should just  try piano again.... I've seen you play and I can tell that you want to." I said hoping he might change his mind. He looked like he was thinking about it. "I can't play the piano" he said sadly. " YOU BIG LIAR I SAW YOU PLAYING YESTERDAY!" I yelled at him. " well yea but for work and fun, you know I can't play onstage.." " fine Kousei whatever I just want to help you get out of your tiny little anti social bubble." I said rolling my eyes. "  Kousei was looking down and working again. I looked at him disappointingly. I honestly thought .... Maybe if I really tried to convince him he would do it... I stood up and walked out the room " whatever you dummy.." I said under my breath. As I left and passed the door Frame I felt someone grab my arm and push me into the wall. I looked up and it was Watari. " listen Tsubaki" he said holding one of my arms agains the wall, using his free hand to scratch behind his head. " I know you care about Kousei but don't push the issue... We both know why he won't play." " but I- " I Interrupted  " I KNOW... That you really care about him but please don't push it, you wouldn't wanna be the reason he gets hurt again do you?" I Leaned my back on the wall and turned my head to the right so he wouldn't see my face. " let go of my arm..." He let go and walked back into the class room. I stayed with my back against the wall still. What if I am the reason he gets hurt again?

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