::. New Girl.::

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I opened my eyes and just stared at the ceiling. " you won't hurt me. You never have before" I quote. I lift my arm up and spread my fingers like I'm reaching for somthing. I can't stop thinking about what he said... " UGH KOUSEI YOU IDIOT!" I yell putting both hands over my face.

I get up and change into my uniform. Geez I think, Kashiwagi wanted me to clear my head not put more in it.

I walk out my house and saw Kousei waiting for me again. I walk up to him and say " hey since when were you the one who waits" he chuckles " well I just wanna make sure we have to talk you know" he says smiling. "Uh... " I don't really know what to say, lately I just feel like a burden to him. As were walking I look over at him, he's just walking but suddenly looks at me and smiles. I turn back and face the ground, my cheeks burning red. It's like he knew I was looking at him ... Suddenly I flash back to yesterday when he grabbed my waist. I start blushing even more and I find myself walking faster. RUN RUN RUNNN!!! I hear in my head, RUN BEFORE HE SEES YOUR BLUSHING! My pace quickens. STOP. I suddenly think. You can't run forever... I slow down and walk at his pace until we get to the school.

I'm walking to class when suddenly a blonde girl shows up. " um hi I'm sorry to bother you but do you know where class 12 a is?" She asked. " o yea sure I can walk you there I have the same class" I said smiling at her

We started walking to class together, " my names Tsubaki by the way " I said. " oh my bad, I'm so sorry how rude of me! My names Kaori nice to meet you" she said. " same to you, hopefully u get a seat near Me" I said smiling.

When we got to class she ended up sitting behind me, I'm actually kinda glad she seems like a cool person.

We leave class and I jog up to Kaori. " hey Kaori, I'm going to the park with some friends later wanna come?" " oh that sounds cool! Sure I'll come."

Later I walk to Watari class and tell him I'm bring a friend. " wow she's smoking!" He said exited. " stop being a pig gosh" I said rolling my eyes. "Well let's go so you can meet her " I say and we walk to the park. When we get there I see Kaori on top of Kousei.
My face gets red and I feel a weird feeling in my gut. Am I... Jealous? " UGHMMM " I cough loud before I even know what I'm doing. Koari turned around I saw that she was hitting him. She gets off him and runs over to us. " hey Tsubaki! Who's this?" She asks " this is my friend Watari... And I see you already met Kousei." I say ruder than expected. " yea.. " " he took a pantie shot of me so I beat him up" she whispers. Oh..... I think to my self. " Kousei you big perv!" I run up and punch him In the arm. " I SWEAR IT WAS A ACCIDENT!" He yells.

We hung out on the swings and talked about Kaori old school and just got to know her and let her get to know us. " I'm gonna go get a soda." I say, and I get up and go over to the soda machine. I get a soda and I look back at the swings and there all sitting there talking... " I'm not dumb Kousei" I mumble under my breath. I can see the way he looks at her, it's a way he doesn't look at me... It's not like I like him though.. He's a big dummy and that's all, I have to monitor him.

But if that's the case....

Why am I jealous?

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